
Regional Command Capital

Demographics and Terrain

Regional Command Capital (RC Capital) comprises Kabul city and fourteen districts of Kabul province: Bagrami, Chahar Asyab, Deh Sabz, Farza, Guldara, Istalif, Kalakan, Khaki Jabar, Mir Bacha Kot, Mussahi, Paghman, Qarabagh, Shakardara, and Sorubi. With an area of 4,462 square kilometers (1,723 sq. miles), Kabul province is slightly smaller than Delaware. The provincial population is 3,450,000,1 and more than two million live in Kabul city.

Regional Command West

Demographics and Terrain


Regional Command West (RC West) comprises four provinces: Herat, Farah, Badghis and Ghor.  The population of RC West is 3,156,000 people.1  RC West borders Iran and is slightly larger than the state of Georgia, with an area of 160,319 square kilometers (61899 sq. miles). 
