
ISW News Roundup - October 27, 2008


U.S. Special Forces have reportedly conducted a raid inside Syrian territory on the border with Iraq.  While U.S. officials have not publically claimed responsibility, sources say U.S. hunter-killer teams trained their sights on Al Qaeda's senior coordinator in Syria, Abu Ghadiya.  For the latest on this operation, see:

New York Times - Syria and Iran Blame U.S. in Blast on Iraq Border, by Katherine Zoepf

ISW News Roundup - October 23, 2008

Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA)

As the SOFA negotiations near their deadline, the Iraqi Cabinet is seeking further amendments to the SOFA draft regarding the duration of U.S. troop presence.  For the latest on these complex negotiations, read:

Agence France Presse- US, Iraq will get security pact 'worked out', Rice says

Asia Times - Details of Iraq pact reveal US debacle, by Gareth Porter

ISW News Roundup - October 22, 2008

Status of Forces Agreement

As the SOFA negotiations near their deadline, the Iraqi Cabinet is seeking further amendments to the SOFA draft regarding the duration of U.S. troop presence.  Responding to this request, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates stated his reluctance to make any changes to the draft given the time constraints. For the latest on these complex negotiations, read:

New York Times - Mullen Says Iraq Running Out of Time On Forces Accord, by Thom Shanker
