Global News Alert - March 3, 2010

March 2, 2010 Global News Alert                                March 4, 2010 Global News Alert


Washington Post - In Afghanistan, Karzai's Invitation to Taliban Creates Discord and Confusion, by Karen DeYoung and Joshua Partlow

Washington Post - Afghan Intelligence Ties Pakistani Group Lashkar-i-Taiba to Recent Kabul Attack, by Karin Brulliard

Department of Defense - Marja Clearing Phase Nears Completion, by John Kruzel

Associated Press - Taliban, Not Drugs, Focus of US-Afghan Offensive, by Alfred de Montesquiou

Christian Science Monitor - After the Taliban, What do Marjah Residents Want? by Dion Nissenbaum

Department of Defense - Forces in Afghanistan Find Drugs, Detain Insurgents

RFE/RL - Afghanistan May Ease Ban On News Coverage of Attacks

BBC News - US Worry over Afghan Media Curbs

VOA News - More Afghan Taliban Members Arrested by Pakistan, by Ravi Khanna

Times Online - Major-General Richard Barrons Puts Taleban Fighter Number at 36,000, by Jerome Starkey

VOA News - U.S. Official Claims Progres Against Drug Trade in Afghanistan, by Susan Yackee



Times Online - Pakistan's Army Takes Control of al-Qaeda Cave Network on Afghan Border, by Zahid Hussain

Wall Street Journal - U.S. to Offer Smart-Bomb Kits, Drones to Pakistan, by Yochi Dreazen

VOA News - Holbrooke Sees 'Shifts in Sentiment' in Pakistan, Afghanistan, by Suzanne Presto



Wall Street Journal - Suicide Bombings Kill at Least 30 in Iraq, by Charles Levinson

Associated Press - Triple Suicide Blasts in Iraqi City Kill 30, by Hamid Ahmed

New York Times - Suicide Bombers Kill Dozens as Iraq Vote Nears, by Marc Santora

Wall Street Journal - U.S. Unsure Who's Behind Iraq Attacks, by Charles Levinson

LA Times - Maliki's Hold on Power Uncertain, by Liz Sly

RFE/RL - Chalabi Takes Center Stage in Iraqi Election Dispute, by Charles Recknagel

Times Online - Sunnis Emerge from Political Wilderness to Stand and Vote in Iraqi Election, by Oliver August

New York Times - Iraq's Top Cleric Refuses to Influence Elections, by Steven Lee Myers

Christian Science Monitor - Iraqi Christians Attacks Ahead of Iraq Election, by Jane Arraf




Reuters - U.N. Council Ready to Tackle Iran Nuclear Issue, by Louis Charbonneau

Reuters - Italy Makes Arrests for Iran Arms Trafficking, by Marie-Louise Gumuchian and Roberto Bonzio


VOA News - Aid Programs in Northern Yemen Under Threat, by Lisa Schlein


Washington Post - U.S. Floats Plan to Lift Ban on Training Indonesia's Kopassus Unit, by John Pomfret

North Korea

Washington Post - White House Wary of Growing Military Ties Between Burma, North Korea, by John Pomfret


Wall Street Journal - Fall of Ukraine Coalition Gives Opening to New President, by James Marson

Falkland Islands

Times Online - Argentina Celebrates Diplomatic Coup as Hilary Clinton Calls for Talks over Falklands, by Giles Whittell, Hannah Strange, Catherine Philp, and Martin Fletcher

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