Global News Alert - March 5, 2010

March 4, 2010 Global News Alert                                March 8, 2010 Global News Alert


Reuters - McChrystal Bans Night Raids without Afghan Troops

Associated Press - NATO Details its Afghan Night Raids Policy

BBC News - US Afghan General is Given Expanded Powers

Christian Science Monitor - NATO Unfolds Blueprint to Rebuild Marjah, by Julius Cavendish



BBC News - Pakistan 'Arrests Key Taliban Leader'

Washington Post - Senior Taliban Commander Said to Be Arrested in Pakistan

BBC News - Deadly Blast Hits Convoy in Northwest Pakistan



Wall Street Journal - Shaky Start for Iraq Vote, by Charles Levinson

LA Times - Change Party Roils Kurdish Elections, by Ned Parker and Caesar Ahmed

Washington Post - Clashes in Iraq's North Underscore Fierce Political Rivaly among Kurds, by Leila Fadel 

New York Times - Iraqi Shiites Turn Prayers Meetings into Election Rally, by Steven Lee Myers and Marc Santora

New York Times - Suspicious and Angry, a Shiite Clerics Followers Await the Iraqi Vote, by Anthony Shadid

Times Online - Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Showers Iraq Electorate with Gifts, by Oliver August

Wall Street Journal - Spoils of Victory Await Winners of Iraqi Vote, by Margaret Coker

Christian Science Monitor - As Iraq Election Begins, Sunnis Decry Signs of Possible Fraud, by Hannah Allam

Christian Science Monitior - Iraq Election: Young War Generation Yearns for Old Stability, by Jane Arraf

RFE/RL - Thousands of Election Observers to Monitor Iraq Vote

Reuters - Attacks Kill 12 as Iraqi Troops and Police Vote, by Khalid al-Ansary

Associated Press - Iraqis Abroad Begin Voting in Homeland Election, by Albert Aji

BBC News - Expatriates Vote in Iraq Elections

New York Times - In Testimony, Brown Says Iraq War Was "Right Decision,' by Alan Cowell

Times Online - Gordon Brown Admits Iraq Regrets at Inquiry, by Philippe Naughton




Washington Post - U.S. Criticized on Iran Sanctions, by John Pomfret and Colum Lynch

Washington Post - Key U.N. Security Council Nations Hedging on Calls to Sanction Iran, by Colum Lynch


Times Online - Turkey Recalls Ambassador After US Vote on Armenia 'Genocide,' by Giles Whittell


Associated Press - Somali Pirates, Security Personnel in 3 Shootouts

Reuters - Somali Islamists Rebels Ban English, Science Lessons, by Sahra Abdi


Washington Post - Post-Quake Looting Challenges Chile's Perceptions of Social Progress, by Juan Forero

Wall Street Journal - Quake Returns Focus of Chile Military, by Paulo Prada and Matt Moffett

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