Global News Alert - March 22, 2010

March 19, Global News Alert


The Washington Post - Karzai Meets Envoys of Taliban-Linked Group By Robert H. Reid

Times Online - Bagram prison in Afghanistan may become the new Guantánamo by Michael Evans

Times Online - Iranians Train Taliban to Use Roadside Bombs by Miles Amoore

BBC - UK Soldier from 3 Rifles Killed in Afghanistan Blast

RFE/RL - Outcry In Kabul Over Afghans On Death Row In Iran

RFL/RL - Militant Hizb-e Islami Delegation Meets With Afghan President by Bruce Pannier

CNN - 10 Afghans Killed in Suicide Attack on Market


New York Times - Army Chief Driving Pakistan’s Agenda for Talksby Jane Perlez

Voice of America - Pakistani Airstrikes Kill 15, US Drones Kill 4

Reuters - In Pakistan's Swat, Taliban Instill Fear after Defeat

Associated Press - Roadside Bomb Kills 1 in Southwest Pakistan

RFE/RL - Pakistan Seeks Permission To Investigate Nuclear Scientist


The Washington Post - Gunmen Kill 2 Local Officials in Baghdad by By Bushra Juhi

Times Online - Iraq’s election commission rejects Nouri al-Maliki’s demand for vote recount by Oliver August

AFP - Six Killed in Spate of Iraq Attacks

RFE/RL -News Iraq's Election Watchdog Rejects Calls For Recount

LA Times - Last Marine Charged in Haditha Killings Returns to Court at Camp Pendleton

Department of Defense - Photographer Depicts Iraq’s Economic Growth by Judith Snyderman


CNN - U.S. intelligence: Al Qaeda may target ships off Yemen

New York Times - Obama Offer Is Denounced by Ayatollah

Associated Press - Iran Detains Grandson of powerful Cleric

Israel/Occupied Territories
Reuters - Palestinians Bury West Bank Dead in Bloody 24 hours

Associated Press - US urges restraint from Israel, Palestinians by Dale Gavlak

Department of Defense - Gates, Mullen to Join U.S. Delegation to Mexico by Donna Miles

North Korea
Associated Press - N Korea Says Will Put Detained American on Trial

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