ISW Global News Roundup - May 6, 2010

May 5, 2010 News Alert                                                                 May 7, 2010 News Alert



Associated Press- NATO soldier killed in southern Afghanistan

Reuters- Taliban order night phone blackout in Afghan north by Sayed Salahuddin

The New York Times- Militants Hit Afghan City, but are Killed in Firefights by Taimoor Shah

Voice of America- Pentagon says US Afghanistan Strategy is Beginning to Work

Associated Press- Report: Politics not getting due attention in war by Anne Gearan

Agence-France Presse- Obama security team to meet on Pakistan, Afghanistan

Los Angeles Times- CIA drones have broader list of tragets by David Cloud

USA Today- Biden heads to Europe to talk about Afghanistan with NATO



Agence-France Presse- Pakistan probes possible militant links to NY suspect

The Washington Post- U.S. to send Pakistan detailed request for help in Times Square bomb probe by Karen DeYoung

Agence-France Presse- US faces new terror threats, tactics out of Pakistan by Dan de Luce

The Washington Post- Obama gets weekly tutorials in terrorism by Anne Kimblut

Reuters- Pakistan receives $468 million from U.S. security fund



Associated Press- Shiite agreement gives Iraq's clerics greater say by Rebecca Santana

Wall Street Journal- Iraq Accuses Kuwait of Impeding Flights to Baghdad by Hassan Hafidh

Department of Defense- Iraqi Forces Arrest 8 Terrorism Suspects



Reuters- Nuclear watchdog urges united international pressure on Iran

The Washington Post- IAEA chief Yukiya Amano launches new push for answers from Iran by Joby Warrick

Reuters- Iran holds war games in Gulf amid nuclear tension

Associated PressGulf Arabs say Iran spy cell dismantled in Kuwait



Associated PressIAEA chief focuses on Israel by George Jahn

Agence-France PresseUS envoy to hold further talks with Israel PM 

Agence-France Presse- UN has 'no evidence' of Hezbollah Scud smuggling


Other News


Associated Press- Syria says US sanctions on Damascus fuel hostility by Albert Aji

North Korea

Reuters- North Korean leader Kim's train leaves Beijing by Emma Harrison



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