ISW Global News Roundup - July 15, 2010

July 14, 2010 News Alert                                                              July 16, 2010 News Alert


Reuters- U.S. senators voice doubts on Afghanistan plan by Andrew Quinn

Christian Science Monitor- What Kandahar residents say about the Afghanistan war: It's complicated by Dan Murphy

BBC- US soldiers die in Afghanistan as Nato toll soars

Department of Defense- Karzai Approves Plan to Keep Taliban Out of Villages by Jim Garamone

Voice of America- Militant Attacks Kill 13 in Southern Afghanistan

CBS News- Poll: Most Want Afghanistan Withdrawal Timeline by Stephanie Condon

Los Angeles Times- Afghanistan OKs creation of security forces for remote areas by David Cloud

Associated Press- Petraeus wants Taliban in Pakistan on terror list by Pauline Jelinek



The Washington Post- Times Square Bomber Vows Revenge in Al-Arabiya Video by Chris Dolmetsch

Associated Press- Blast in Pakistan's Swat Valley kills 5, wounds 35 by Riaz Khan

CNN- Pakistan blast leaves 5 dead, dozens injured

Agence-France Presse- Clinton to visit Pakistan for security talks: Holbrooke

Voice of America- Indian, Pakistani Foreign Ministers Meet in Islamabad

Radio Free Europe- Nationalist Leader Shot Dead In Pakistan's Baluchistan Province



Agence-France Presse- Eight killed in Iraq attacks

Los Angeles Times- General warns of attacks on U.S. troops leaving Iraq by Ned Parker

Associated Press- Turkey to form professional army to fight rebels by Suzan Fraser

Reuters- Minister urges U.S. to help Iraq form government by Arshad Mohammed

Agence-France Presse- Six killed, 20 wounded in Iraq attacks: officials



Los Angeles Times- Iran denies that returned citizen is nuclear scientist by Borzou Daragahi

TIME- An Attack on Iran: Back on the Table by Joe Klein

Associated PressOil smuggling to Iran embarrassment for Iraq by Tarek El-Tablawy


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