Global News Alert - October 6, 2010


Washington Post- Taliban in high-level talks with Karzai government, sources say by Karen DeYoung

CNN- Airstrike kills Taliban leader in northwestern Afghanistan

New York Times- Karzai’s Kin Use Ties to Gain Power in Afghanistan by James Risen

Associated Press- 5 Afghan children among 9 dead in Kandahar blasts by Mirwais Khan

NPR- The New Republic: Obama Must Defy His Generals by Bacevich


TIME- Why a Terrorist Strike on Europe Risks Geopolitical Meltdown by Tony Karon

FOX News- U.S. Slams Pakistani Effort Against Militants

Washington Times- Musharraf: Pakistan backed militants in attacks on India by Ashish Sen

Asia Times- Afghan war moves deeper into Pakistan by Syed Saleem Shahzad

Washington Post- NATO airstrike undermines U.S. goals in Pakistan by Karin Brulliard

New York Times- Gunmen Attack More NATO Supply Trucks in Pakistan by Jane Perlez


Wall Street Journal- U.S. Resists Role for Iraq Cleric by Sam Dagher

NPR- An End In Sight For Iraqi Government Deadlock

Asia Times- Iraq a house divided by Sami Moubayed

CNN- High-level U.S. official visiting Yemen, Iraq, Jordan


Washington Post- After currency crash, more worries for Iranian economy by Thomas Erdbrink

Associated Press- Ahmadinejad trip to Lebanon is not a good idea

Voice of America- Iran: West Trying 'Psychological Warfare' to Stop Nuclear Activities

Washington Post- GAO: Iran still buying gas despite sanctions


New York Times- South Korea Prepares New Propaganda War by Mark McDonald

FP- Chávez's Secret Nuclear Program by Roger Noriega

New York Times- Netanyahu Examines Offer on Settlement Freeze by Ethan Bronner

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