Global News Alert - October 21, 2010


New York Times- Coalition Routs Taliban in Southern Afghanistan by Carlotta Gall

Voice of America- Simple, Deadly Afghan Bombs Frustrate High-Tech US Solutions by Al Pessin

Foreign Policy- What was the CIA thinking? by Joshua Foust

Christian Science Monitor- Want to know how the war in Afghanistan is going? Watch Kandahar by David Francis


New York Times- Pakistan Averts Clash Over Judicial Appointments by Salman Masood

Bloomberg- U.S. Consults Pakistan on Role in Afghanistan-Taliban Reconciliation Talks by Nicole Gaouette

NPR- For U.S. Troops, Peril On The Afghan-Pakistan Border by Quil Lawrence

Washington Times- Obama to visit Pakistan in 2011 by Ashish Kumar Sen

Agence-France Presse- CIA says Al-Qaeda in Pakistan hit hard in US attacks: report


Wall Street Journal- WikiLeaks Prompts U.S. Alert to Iraqis by Julian Barnes

New York Times- Iraq Prime Minister Visits Egypt and Iran by John Leland

Agence-France Presse- Iraq PM Maliki predicts new govt 'very soon'

CNN- Soldier charged in comrades' deaths


Los Angeles Times- Turkey rebuffs U.S. pressure to slash trade with Iran by Paul Richter

Voice of America- Iran Increasing Enriched Uranium Stockpile

Washington Post- Iran secretly trying to establish banks in Muslim nations by Glenn Kessler

Agence-France Presse- Ahmadinejad, Saudi King hold more phone talks: IRNA 



Reuters- Activity detected at North Korea nuclear test site: report by Jeremy Laurence

Reuters- Chavez and Ahmadinejad say united to change world order by Robin Pomeroy

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