ISW News Roundup - November 19, 2008

Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA)

New York Times - Iraqi Premier Defends Security Accord, by Campbell Robertson

New York Times - U.S. - Iraqi Agreement Is Getting Mixed Reviews in Iran, by Nazila Fathi

Wall Street Journal - Iraq Pact Forces Security Contractors to Confront Work Without Immunity, by August Cole

Associated Press - Iraqi parliament's debate on US pact disrupted, by Qassim Abdul-Zahra

Reuters - Iraq PM says pact's critics want U.S. troops to stay, by Wisam Mohammed

Washington Post - Maliki Defends U.S. - Iraq Deal to Public, Criticizes Opposition, by Mary Beth Sheridan

Washington Times - Al-Maliki: Pact with U.S. a step to 'sovereignty', by Hamza Hendawi

Washington Post - U.S. Security Agreements and Iraq, by Greg Bruno



BBC - 'Sons of Iraq' move hailed a success, by Andrew North

DefenseLink Mil - Troops Disrupt Terrorist Leadership, Bombing Networks in Iraq, from AFPS

New York Times - Iranian Detained in Iraq

Long War Journal - US forces detain senior Iranian Qods Force officer in Baghdad, by Bill Roggio

Reuters -US, Iraq, Turkey hold Baghdad talks on PKK rebels


Afghanistan and Pakistan

LA Times - U.S. troops in eastern Afghanistan won't rest for winter, by Julian E. Barnes

Christian Science Monitor - Afghan Air Force takes off, slowly, by Mark Sappenfield

Washington Post - U.S. Seeks New Supply Routes Into Afghanistan, by Candace Rondeaux and Walter Pincus

Radio Free Europe - Taliban's Spiritual Fathers Denounce Terror.  Could Taliban Be Next? by Jeffrey Donovan and Abubakar Siddique

Voice of America  - US Commander Hopes to Have More Troops to Afghanistan, by Al Pessin

Long War Journal - US Predator strikes al Qaeda & Taliban outside of Pakistan's tribal areas, by Bill Roggio




Wall Street Journal - Israeli Tanks Roll Into Gaza Strip, from AP

BBC - UN head fears over Gaza blockade


LA Times Blog - LEBANON: How the head of an Al Qaeda-inspired group fled the country, by Raed Rafei


Washington Post - Ahmadinejad Aide Approved as Iran's Interior Minister, by Thomas Erdbrink

Washington Times - Iran kills Kurd seperatists at border, from AP

Reuters - Iran aims for 2009 launch of nuclear plant

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