ISW News Roundup - December 4, 2008

Iraq Security

LA Times - Insurgent attacks in Iraq at lowest level of the war, U.S. general says, from AP

BBC - US kills 'pro-Iranian militant'

BBC - Deadly bombings strike Iraqi city

Reuters - Two blasts kill at least 13 people in west Iraq

Reuters - FACTBOX: Security developments in Iraq

LA Times Blog - IRAQ: U.N.'s Iraq report still missing casualty count, by Tina Susman

Reuters - U.S. -led coalition in Iraq dwindles as allies leave, by Michael Christie

Long War Journal - Coalition forces target Iranian-backed Hezbollah Brigades in Baghdad, by Bill Roggio


Iraq Politics and Reconstruction

New York Times - Clash in Iraq Over a Plan for Councils Intensifies, by Alissa J. Rubin

Washington Times - President targets creation of tribal councils, by Hamza Hendawi

Christian Science Monitor - US subcontractor keeps 1,000 Asians confined in Iraq warehouse

Associated Press - Jobs, good cops, Kurdish-Arab reconciliation needed to fix Iraq's most violent city, by Denis D. Gray

Associated Press - Spokesman says Iraq's presidential council gives final approval to US security pact


Pakistan and India

New York Times - Rice Says Pakistan Pledge to Help Find Suspects, by Salman Masood and Somini Sengupta

New York Times - Mumbai Attack Is Test for Pakistan on Curbing Militants, by Jane Perlez and Somini Sengupta

Wall Street Journal - U.S. Presses Pakistan to Help India as Tensions Rise, by Jackie Range, Matthew Rosenberg, Niraj Sheth, and Jay Solomon.

Washington Times - EXCLUSIVE: U.S. plea: Fight Islamists, not India, by Nicholas Kralev

New York Times - U.S. Tries to East India-Pakistan Tensions, by Somini Sengupta

Washington Times - Pakistan mulls downing U.S. drones, by Nasir Khan

Adn Kronos - Pakistan: Army takes control of key town in northwest

Times of India - Dawood sitting pretty in Karachi

Daily Times - Indian forces told to prepare for attacks from air, sea


American Security

Washington Post - Experts' Report Urges Changes to National Security System, by Walter Pincus

Washington Post - U.S. to Raise 'Irregular War' Capabilities, by Ann Scott Tyson

Associated Press - Iraq: Obama calls Iraqi Prime Minister, says he's committed to troop withdrawal

New York Times - Campaign Promises on Ending the War in Iraq Now Muted by Reality, by Thom Shanker




Reuters - Suicide bombers hit Afghan southeast, 4 dead: police

New York Times - Afghanistan: French Aid Worker Free

Agence France Presse - Double suicide attacks kills five in Afghanistan: official


Long War Journal - Yemeni al Qaeda leader: State conducts terror attacks, by Jane Novak


LA Times Blog - LEBANON: U.S. military assistance not so "glamorous" after all, by Raed Rafei


LA Times - Jewish settlers in West Bank fear an Israeli withdrawal, by Ashraf Khalil


Washington Post - Iran Confronts an 'Economic Evolution', by Thomas Erdbrink

Associated Press - For 3rd time court says EU must stop illegally freezing Iranian opposition group's funds, by Constant Brand

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