ISW News Roundup - December 30, 2008

Israel - Hamas Conflict

On Saturday, December 27, the Israeli Air Force began conducting a widespread and protracted aerial bombardment of Hamas' infrastructure and personnel in the Gaza Strip in response to rockets launched into Israel by militants.  The attacks have left hundreds dead and wounded. While these air raids are conducted, Israel is amassing troops along its border in preparation for a possible ground incursion into Gaza in the coming days.  Please refer back to the ISW website for more updates on this ongoing operation.


Washington Post - Israel Rejects Truce, Presses on With Gaza Strikes, by Griff Witte and Sudarsan Raghavan

Reuters - Gaza aid boat damaged by Israelis reaches Lebanon

Reuters - Israel rejects truce, presses on with Gaza strikes, by Nidal al-Mughrabi

International Herald Tribune - Red Cross sending 10 tons of medical aid to Gaza, from AP

Agence France Presse - Israeli Gaza 'massacre' must stop, Syria's Assad tells US senator

Agence France Presse - Israel shuns truce calls on Day Four of Gaza blitz

Agence France Presse - Egypt says border to stay shut until Abbas back in power

Associated Press - Hezbollah watches for now as Israel hits Hamas, by Sam F.  Ghattas

LA Times Blog - Hezbollah says it won't provoke Israel clash over Gaza, by Raed Rafei

New York Times - On Fourth Day of Gaza Battle, No End in Sight, by Ethan Bronner and Taghreed El-Khodary

New York Times - Hamas Credo Led It to End Cease-Fire, by Stephen Farrell

New York Times - A Captured Israeli Soldier Figures in Military Assessments and Political Calculus, by Isabel Kershner

Wall Street Journal - Warplanes Slam Hamas Targets as Israeli Troops Mass at Border, from AP

LA Times - A primer on Gaza, Israel, and some of the key factors behind the current violence, by Michael Muskal


Iraq Security and Reconstruction

UPI - Iraq's milestone for new year

Times Online UK - Iraq death toll plummets, by Deborah Haynes

Washington Post - Canadian citizen charged with spying for Iraq, by Carolyn Thompson

New York Times - American Exit Increases Optimism in Falluja, by Timothy Williams

Reuters - US pull-back from Iraq will hit private contractors, by Missy Ryan

Reuters - Iraq and Britain hope to seal troop deal by year end

Defenselink Mil - Training Opens Doors for Former 'Sons of Iraq', by Army Sgt. David Hodge

Defenselink Mil - 2,000 Iraqis Return to Eastern Baghdad, Reclaim Homes, from AFPS

Associated Press - Iraq to offer 10 fields in 2nd oil licensing round, by Sinan Salaheddin

Associated Press - Shoe-throwing Iraqi journalist's trial postponed, by Sinan Salaheddin


Afghanistan and Pakistan

New York Times - Rash of Bombings in Afghanistan, by Adam B. Ellick

Wall Street Journal - Afghan Roadside Bombings Rise Sharply, by Yochi J. Dreazen

Associated Press - Pakistan Closes NATO Supply Route Amid Anti-Militant Offensive

Associated Press - US: Roadside bombs in Afghanistan double in 2008

Long War Journal - Pakistani military continues to withdraw from tribal areas, by Bill Roggio

Long War Journal - Pakistan shuts down NATO supply line through the Khyber Pass, by Bill Roggio

US News and World Report - No Longer the Forgotten War, Afghanistan Will Be a Hard one for Obama to Win, by Anna Mulrine



New York Times - Rare Suicide Bombing in Iran Kills 4, by Nazila Fathi

Middle East Times - Iran Activating Its Proxies, by Oliver Guitta


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