ISW News Roundup - January 5, 2008

Israel - Hamas Conflict

New York Times - Israel Rebuffs Peace Efforts, Driving Deeper Into Gaza, by Taghreed El-Khodary and Isabel Kershner

New York Times - Israel Strikes Before an Ally Departs, by Scott Shane

New York Times - Hezbollah Answers Israel Only With Speeches, by Robert F. Worth

Wall Street Journal - Israeli Troops Hold Positions in Gaza, by Charles Levinson

LA Times - Israeli tanks, troops cut off Gaza City, by Ashraf Khalil and Rushdi abu Alouf

Christian Science Monitor - France's tireless Sarkozy strides into Middle East, by Robert Marquand

Christian Science Monitor - How Israel, Hamas define victory in Gaza, by Joshua Mitnick

BBC - Israel vows no let-up over Gaza

Associated Press - Diplomats converge on Israel in push for truce, by Ibrahim Barzak and Amy Teibel

Washington Post - Residents Doubt That Rocket F ire Can Be Stopped, by Griff Witte

Washington Post - For Trapped Gazans, Few Options for Safety, by Craig Whitlock and Reyham Abdel Kareem

Jerusalem Post - IDF wary of Hizbullah attacks on northern border, by Yaakov Katz

New York Times - Is the Real Target Hamas Rule? by Ethan Bronner


Iraq Security

New York Times - American Troops Wound Woman in Baghdad, by Campbell Robertson

New York Times - Bomber at Iraqi Shrine Kills 40, Including 16 Iranian Pilgrims, by Sam Dagher and Mudhafer Al-Husaini

LA Times - Suicide bomber kills 38 at Iraq checkpoint, by Kimi Yoshino

Washington Post - Bomber Kills 40 at Shiite Shrine in Baghdad, by Anthony Shadid

Washington Times - Iraqi TV producer shot at checkpoint, by Sinan Salaheddin

Long War Journal - Baghdad area rocket by second large suicide attack in three days, by Bill Roggio

Reuters - U.S. military takes first step to quit Iraqi cities, by Tim Cocks

Long War Journal - Iraqi Security Forces Order of Battle Update: January 2009, by DJ Elliott


Iraq Politics and Reconstruction

LA Times - Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki visits Iran, by Kim Yoshino

Associated Press - TV: Iran-Iraq to increase economic cooperation

Reuters - "Treacherous" U.S. breaks pacts, Iran tells Iraq

BBC - New US embassy opens in Baghdad

Reuters - U.S. opens new Iraq embassy in symbolic move, by Missy Ryan and Peter Graff

Associated Press- Government gets control of Sons of Iraq in Diyala, by Jim Heintz

Reuters- Iraq takes over guard program in restive Diyala

Washington Post - Bring Rifles and Books: College on a U.S. Base in Baghdad, by Ernesto Londono and Susan Kinzie


Afghanistan and Pakistan

New York Times - A Foreign Face Beloved by Afghans and All Stripes, by John F. Burns

Defenselink Mil - U.S. Seeks More Supply Routes for Afghanistan, by Gerry J. Gilmore

Times Online UK - Taleban spokesman Ustad Mohammed Yasir recaptured, by Zahid Hussain

New York Times - 7 Killed in Pakistan in Attack on Police, from AP

Wall Street Journal - India Gives Pakistan Evidence on Mumbai Attacks, from AP

Wall Street Journal - Pakistan and U.S. Rebuild Strained Military Ties, by Yochi J. Dreazen

LA Times - Pakistan arrests senior Taliban aide, by Laura King

Long War Journal - Ten killed in suicide bombing in northwestern Pakistan, by Bill Roggio




Christian Science Monitor - Religious Kurds become key vote in Turkey, by Yigal Schleifer


New York Times - Ahead of Election, Iran's Hard-Liners Crack Down, by Nazila Fathi

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