ISW News Roundup - January 9, 2009

Israel-Hamas Conflict

New York Times - Gaza Attacks Continue Despite U.N. Truce Call, by Ethan Bronner

New York Times - Rocket Fire From Lebanon Unsettles Israel, but Fears of a Hezbollah Attack Subside, by Thomas Cambanis

Wall Street Journal - Gaza Offensive Rages Despite U.N. Resolution, by Charles Levinson and Jay Solomon

Christian Science Monitor - Rafah: A border town caught between Egypt and Hamas, by Lina Attalah

Washington Times - Gaza violence: U.N. cease-fire ignored, by Matt Friedman and Ibrahim Barzak

Washington Times - Rocket attack from Lebanon stirs new fears, from AP


Iraq Security

New York Times - 10 Are Killed in 3 Bomb Attacks on Iraqi Soldiers, by Timothy Williams

Associated Press - Iraq police: 3 killed in bombing at Baghdad mosque, by Hamid Ahmed

Reuters - U.S. says Iraqis may still be held without charge, by Peter Graff and Ahmed Rasheed

Reuters - FACTBOX: Security developments in Iraq, Jan 8

Reuters - Bombs kill five Iraqi soldiers in northern Iraq

Washington Post - Police: Roadside bombs kill 6 Iraqi soldiers, by Sinan Salaheddin

Reuters - Iraq police no longer infiltrated by militias-PM, by Khalid al-Ansary

Defenselink Mil - 2009 Opens With New Milestones and More to Come in Iraq, Official Says, by Donna Miles



Long War Journal - Al Qaeda's operations chief in Pakistan killed in New Year's strike, by Bill Roggio

New York Times -2 Qaeda Leaders Killed in U.S. Strike in Pakistan, by Eric Schmitt

Wall Street Journal - Two al Qaeda Leaders Killed in U.S. Strike in Pakistan, by Zahid Hussein

Wall Street Journal - Pakistani Firing Exposes Rift Over Mumbai Probe, by Zahid Hussein



New York Times - Afghan Bombs Kill 14; 5 From U.S., by Dexter Filkins

LA Times - Bomb hits U.S. patrol in Afghanistan, from AP

Christian Science Monitor - Trading a life in Vegas to speak for troops in Afghanistan, by Danna Harman

New York Times - Major Push Is Needed to Save Afghanistan, General Says, by Elisabeth Bumiller

Voice of America News - Suicide Bomber Attacks Foreign Troops, Kills Civilians in Afghanistan




Al Arabiya - New Lebanese resistance group view with Hezbollah, by Rania Mahmoud


Khaleej Times - Iran bans volunteers from fighting Israel, from AFP


Associated Press - Analysis: Syria deals with Gaza, eyeing own peace, by Hamza Hendawi


Associated Press - Petraeus: Afghan, Pakistan problems are really one, by Anne Gearan

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