ISW News Roundup - January 19, 2009

Israel-Hamas Conflict

New York Times - Shocked and Grieving Gazans Find Bodies Under the Rubble of Homes, by Sabrina Tavernise and Taghreed El-Khodary

New York Times - Parsing Gains of Gaza War, by Ethan Bronner

New York Times - Rebuilding Begins Upon a Wobbly Truce, by Isabel Kershner

Wall Street Journal - Israel and Hamas Enact Cease-Fires, by Chip Cummins, Jay Solomon, and Joshua Mitnick

LA Times - Israel hopes Iran and Hezbollah get message of Gaza offensive, by Sebastian Rotella

LA Times - Saying Hamas is 'badly beaten', Olmert orders unilateral cease-fire, by Robert Boudreaux

BBC - Scale of Gaza destruction emerges

Associated Press - Gaza battles show 'nasty' face of urban combat, by Brian Murphy

Washington Times - Hamas agrees to cease-fire, by Joshua Mitnick


Iraq Security

 New York Times - Another Politician Is Killed as Iraqi Voting Draws Near, by Sam Dagher

LA Times - Suicide blast kills Sunni Arab leader, from Reuters

Reuters - Security developments in Iraq

Washington Post - Sunni Arab Leader Dies in N. Iraq Bomb Attack, by Ernesto Londono and Zaid Sabah

Washington Post - Bomber kills manager of election campaign in Iraq, by Sameer N. Yacoub

Defenselink Mil - Iraqi, U.S. Forces Detain Criminals, Discover Weapons, from AFPS

Stars and Stripes - Iraq set to control ' Sons of Iraq' by April, by Ashley Rowland


Iraq Politics and Reconstruction

Washington Post - The Political Dance in Iraq's South, by Anthony Shadid

New York Times - Iraqi Local Council Rejects Premier's Police Apppointee, by Timothy Williams and Mudhafer al-Husaini

Associated Press - Al-Sadr's followers eye comback in Jan. 31 vote, by Hamza Hendawi and Qassim Abdul-Zahra

Associated Press - Top Shiite cleric urges Iraqis to vote on Jan. 31, by Hamid Ahmed

Associated Press - Iraqi invites oil firms to workshop in Turkey

Washington Post - Iraqi shoe thrower to seek Swiss asylum: lawyer, by Frank Jordans



Wall Street Journal -U.S., Afghanis Are Killed in Two Attacks, from AP 

Reuters - Afghanistan held back by weak leadership: NATO

Washington Post - Suicide attack near US base kills 1 Afghan, from AP

BBC - Nato chief faults Afghan leaders

Yahoo! - Afghan foreign minister unhappy with Clinton, by Jason Straziuso




LA Times - Opposition to U.S., Israel unites conference attendees, by Borzou Daragahi


Wall Street Journal - Pakistan Temporarily Closes NATO Supply Route, from AP

Long War Journal - Pakistani Taliban: 'Suicide bombers are the atomic weapons of Muslims', by Bill Roggio

BBC - Fresh attacks on Pakistan schools


Reuters - SCENARIOS: How ties with Iran could resume under Obama

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