ISW News Roundup - January 24, 2009


Washington Post - At Least 5 Dead, Others Wounded in Blast in Western Iraq, by Aziz Alwan

Reuters - Suicide car bomber kills five policemen in Iraq

RFE/RL - Iraq Says Will Shut Iran Rebel Camp in 2 Months

Agence France Presse - Iraqi candidate arrested on rape charge

Agence France Presse - Three Iraqi police killed in Fallujah car bomb: officer

Agence France Presse - Iran welcomes planned US pullout from Iraq

Long War Journal - Iraqi Army Movements in Kirkuk and Salahadin, by DJ Elliott

Agence France Presse - Iraq to impose curfew, transport ban during vote

BBC - Falluja car bomb blast 'kills 13'

Associated Press - Iraq to reopen notorious Abu Ghraib prison, Kim Gamel


Afghanistan and Pakistan

Washington Post - In Afghanistan, Terrain Rivals Taliban as Enemy, by Candace Rondeaux

Washington Post - 2 U.S. Airstrikes Offer a Concrete Sign of Obama's Pakistan Policy, by R. Jeffrey Smith, Candace Rondeaux, and Joby Warrick

New York Times - Strikes in Pakistan Underscore Obama's Options, by Richard A. Oppel Jr.

Reuters - U.S. military says kills 15 Afghan militants, by Jonathan Burch

Reuters - Marines force of 20,000 seen in Afghanistan

Reuters - US-led troops kill 15 'militants', Afghans say were civilians

Wall Street Journal - Marines Propose Iraq Withdrawal, Shift to Afghanistan, by Yochi J. Dreazen

LA Times - Time for Marines to leave, and go to Afghanistan, commandant says

Voice of America - Coalition Forces Kill 15 in Afghanistan

New York Times - Interview: Obama May Face 'Rebuff' From Europe on Military Step-Up in Afghanistan, by Robert E. Hunter and Bernard Gwertzman

Associated Press - Afghan students back in class after acid attacks, by Noor Khan and Heidi Vogt


Israel-Hamas Conflict

Washington Post - Battered Gaza Still in the Grip of Hamas, by Griff WItte and Jonathan Finer

Washington Post - No Home to Return to in Gaza, by Griff Witte

New York Times - As Israeli Bombing Stops, Gazans Get Busy Rebuilding Damaged Tunnels, by Sabrina Tavernise

Reuters - Gaza recovery in doubt as Israel pressures Hamas, by Adam Entous and Nidal al-Mughrabi

Associated Press - BBC criticized for refusing to broadcast charity fundraising appeal for Gaza, by Jill Lawless

Associated Press - Despite pounding by Israel, Hamas stays it's back in control of the Gaza  Strip, promises aid, by Karin Laub




Reuters - Interview - Time for Somalis to compromise, says UN envoy, by David Clarke

New York Times - Suicide Attacker Kills 15 in Somalia, by Mohammed Ibrahim

U.S. Foreign Policy

Associated Press - Analysis: Obama foreign policy favors diplomacy, by Robert Burns


Associated Press - Russia ready to cooperate with US on Afghanistan


Long War Journal - Sleeper Agent, by Thomas Joscelyn

Associated Press - Convicted terrorist with mysterious background to be released from US prison

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