ISW News Roundup - January 26, 2009

Iraq Provincial Elections

New York Times - Maliki Pushes for Election Gains, Despite Fears, by Alissa J. Rubin

LA Times - Iraqis skeptical about politicians ahead of vote, by Kimi Yoshino

LA Times - Arabs, Kurds take their fight to polls, by Ned Parker and Usama Redha

Associated Press - Elections are test for al-Maliki, Iraq, by Robert H. Reid

Washington Post - Iraq Election Highlights Ascendancy of Tribes, by Anthony Shadid

Washington Post - Iraqi prime minister lectures against sectarianism, by Sameer N. Yacoub

Associated Press - Iraq's oil exports raise in December


Iraq Security

Reuters - Security developments in Iraq, Jan 26

Wall Street Journal - Helicopter Crash in Iraq Kills Four Americans, from AP

BBC - Troops killed in Iraq air crash

Reuters - Iraq prime minister expects speedier U.S. pullout

World Tribune - Iraq replaces 'Sons of Iraq' with its own auxilary force


Afghanistan and Pakistan

New York Times - From Hospital, Afghans rebut U.S. Account, by Carlotta Gall

LA Times - Biden expects more U.S. casualties in Afghanistan, by Peter Wallsten

Washington Post - 2 U.S. Airstrikes Offer a Concrete Sign of Obama's Pakistan Policy, by R. Jeffrey Smith, Candace Rondeaux, and Joby Warrick

Washington Times - Karzai: U.S. Forces kill 16 civilians, by Jason Staziuso and Rahim Faiez

New York Times - Fearing Another Quagmire in Afghanistan, by Helene Cooper

Washington Times - Afghan raid civilian deaths disputed, by Jason Straziuso and Rahim Faiez

BBC - Karzai hails Guantanamo closure

Wall Street Journal - Indian Police Kill Two Suspected Pakistani Militants, from AP

Long War Journal - Swat Taliban summon government officials to sharia courts, by Bill Roggio

Washington Times - Pakistan urges halt to missile strikes, by Asif Shahzad


Israel-Hamas Conflict

New  York Times - In Gaza, the Wait to Rebuild Lingers, by Sabrina Tavernise

Wall Street Journal - Hamas Set to Start Truce Talks in Egypt, from AP

Christian Science Monitor - In pummeled Gaza, Hamas recoups, by Ilene R. Prusher

Washington Post - A Flurry of Tunnel Repairs Is Underway in Gaza's South, by Jonathan Finer

Times Online UK - US navy seeks arms bound for Hamas, by Uzi Mahnaimi

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