ISW News Roundup - February 1, 2009


Washington Post - Diyala Province Puts Power of Ballot to the Test, by Anthony Shadid

Washington Post - Iraq's Voters Cast Ballots Under Intense Security, by Sudarsan Raghavan

LA Times - In Iraq, security trumps sectarianism at polls, by Tina Susman

LA Times - Last-minute campaigning in Najaf, by Ned Parker and Usama Redha

Washington Times - Iraqi voters support government, by Brian Murphy of AP

Reuters - Iraq holds peaceful election, Obama, U.N. applaud, by Aseel Kami and Missy Ryan

Washington Post - For Prominent Iraqi Cleric, a Test of Influence, by Sudarsan Raghavan

Associated Press - Iraqi Christians caught in middle of Mosul vote, by Kim Gamel

New York Times - Pointing to a New Era, U.S. Pulls Back as Iraqis Vote, by Alissa J. Rubin

Associated Press - Government allies see gains in Iraqi elections, by Brian Murphy

New York Times - Election Reaction: Basra, by Sam Dagher

LA Times - Sunni Arabs in Baghdad enclave left off voter rolls, by Monte Morin

New York Times - Under Tight Security, Iraqis Vote on Almost Violence-Free Election Day, by Stephen Farrell

LA Times - In Kufa, some Shiites bemoan Sadr movement's diminished role, by Ned Parker and Usama Redha 

Washington Post - Weight of Combat Gear Is Taking Toll, by Ann Scott Tyson

Associated Press - US soldier dies in northern Iraq



New York Times - An Afghan Secret Revealed Brings End of an Era, by Carlotta Gall

Reuters - Suicide bomber hits foreign forces in Kabul

Washington Times - Taliban tighten grip in key valley, by Nasir Khan

Associated Press - Afghan street protests after US raid kills 2, by Amir Shah


Israel-Hamas Conflict

New York Times - Israel Vows Retaliation for Rockets, from AP

Reuters - Israel vows "disproportionate" response to rockets, by Jeffrey Heller

Associated Press - Israel threatens response to new militant rockets

Washington Times - Gaza militants fire rocket into Israel, by Diaa Hadid of AP




New York Times - Slain Exile Detailed Chechen Ruler's Systematic Cruelty, by C.J. Chivers

North Korea

Reuters - North Korea says two Koreas on path toward war, by Jon Herskovitz

Associated Press - North Korea warns of possible war with South Korea, by Hyung-Jin Kim


Reuters - Sudan warns peacekeepers to quit Darfur town, by Andrew Heavens


Associated Press - AP Analysis: Qatar at heart of Mideast 'cold war', by Brian Murphy

U.S. Policy

LA Times - Obama preserves renditions as counter-terrorism tool, by Greg Miller


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