ISW News Roundup - February 2, 2009


Washington Post - In Iraq's North, Vote Tallies To Define Loyalties, Dispute, by Ernesto Londono

Washington Post - Maliki's Party Poised to Win in Key Regions, by Ernesto Londono

Washington Times - Iraqi election hints of party shift, from AP

New York Times - Secular Parties and Premier Lead in Iraq, by Alissa J. Rubin

New York Times - Election: What The Papers Say, by Stephen Farrell

LA Times - In Iraq, security trumps sectarianism at polls, by Tina Susman

Associated Press - Sunni party likely big winner in northern Iraq, by Kim Gamel

LA Times - Iraq vote turnout fails to meet expectations, by Monte Morin

Washington Times - Election troublesome for some Shiites, by Brian Muphy of AP

Reuters - Vote sows seeds of greater calm in Iraq's north, by Tim Cocks


Pakistan and Afghanistan

Washington Post - Iraq Auditor Warns of Waste, Fraud in Afghanistan, by Karen DeYoung and Walter Pincus

LA Times - Appointment of Richard Holbrooke unnerves South Asia, by Paul Richter

Washington Post - Gunmen in Pakistan Kidnap American Official, by Candace Rondeaux

Reuters - Gunmen kidnap American U.N. official in Pakistan, by Gul Yousafzai

Associated Press - Police seek kidnapped American in Pakistan, by Abdul Sattar

Washington Post - Afghans Rally Against U.S. After Strike Kills Two, from AP

Washington Post - Suicide Bomber Kills 21 Afghan Policemen, by Candace Rondeaux

Reuters - Fighting in Pakistan's Swat triggers civilian exodus, by Junaid Khan

Reuters - Suicide bomb kills 21 police in Afghan south

Associated Press - Bomber in police uniform kills 21 Afghan policemen, by Noor Khan

Washington Times - Taliban tightens grip in key valley, by Nasir Khan

Long War Journal - Suicide bomber strikes in Uruzgan police station, by Bill Roggio

Washington Times - Police: Suicide bomber kills 18 Afghan policemen, from AP


Israel-Hamas Conflict

Washington Post - Israel's Key Election Issue: Did War End Too Soon, by Griff Witte

Reuters - Israeli, Palestinian attacks batter Gaza ceasefire, by Nidal al-Mughrabi

Reuters - Hamas says "no hurry" for dialogue with Abbas

Reuters - Israeli troops kill Palestinian gunman near Hebron

LA Times - Israeli airstrikes target Gaza, by Richard Boudreaux

Associated Press - Israeli strike kills Gaza militant, strains truce, by Ibrahim Barzak

Washington Times - Olmert vows to punish militants, from AP

Washington Times - Gaza militants launch new rocket fire, by Matti Friedman of AP



Reuters - Iran crackdown on dissent seen linked to election, U.S., by Fredrik Dahl

LA Times - Khatami predicted to enter Iran presidential race, by Ramin Mostaghim and Borzou Daragahi

Reuters - Iran tells Hamas: Be ready for fresh Israeli attacks

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