ISW News Roundup - March 15, 2009


Reuters - Bureaucracy, clashing rules hinder Iraq investment, by Khalid al-Ansary

Associated Press - Iraq's al-Maliki: US will stay in insecure areas, by Qassim Abdul-Zahra

New York Times - In Hard-Bitten Baghdad, Tough Tactics on Strays, by Sam Dagher

Associated Press - Iraqi security leader wants 'war of intelligence', by Sinan Salaheddin

New York Times - Iraqi President Sets Off Talk on Role of Iraqi Kurds, by Alissa J. Rubin

Reuters - No second term for Iraqi president

LA Times - Baghdad clothier is waiting for Iraqis to live large again, by Tina Susman and Caesar Ahmed



Reuters - Bomb kills four NATO soldiers in Afghanistan

International Herald Tribune - 10 soldiers killed in Afghanistan

Associated Press - Bomb targets mayor of key Afghan city, by Noor Khan

Washington Post - Troops Face New Tests in Afghanistan, by Rajiv Chandrasekaran

RFE/RL - Taliban Militants In Pakistan Torch Afghan Supplies

Times Online UK - Quiet crawl to peace on the Afghan shuttle, by Christina Lamb



Reuters - Pakistan defuses crisis, agreeing to restore judge, by Kamran Haider

Christian Science Monitor - Pakistan protests: Pitch rises, by Ben Arnoldy

Washington Post - As Pakistan Roils, Protesters Set to March on Capital, by Pamela Constable

Long War Journal - Taliban attacks NATO trucking terminal in Peshawar, by Bill Roggio

Long War Journal - Pakistan proposes integration of Taliban into security forces, by Bill Roggio

Associated Press - Officials: Missile attack kills 5 in Pakistan, by Ishtiaq Mahsud




LA Times - Iran signs $3.2 billion natural gas deal with China, by Borzou Daragahi

International Herald Tribune - U.S. and Israel differ on urgency of Iranian threat, by David E. Sanger and William J. Broad


Reuters - Palestinian groups agree to hold elections by January, by Alaa Shahine

Reuters - Two Israeli policemen shot dead in West Bank

Associated Press - British: Progress made on plan to stop Gaza arms, by Gregory Katz


New York Times - Pentagon Rethinking Old Doctrine on 2 Wars, by Thom Shanker

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