ISW News Roundup - March 24, 2009


New York Times - Sunni Fighters Say Iraq Didn't Keep Job Promises, by Rod Nordland and Alissa J. Rubin

International Herald Tribune - Sunni fighters, key to stability, grow restive, by Rod Nordland and Alissa J. Rubin

Reuters - Iraq has asked U.S. for 140 more Abrams tanks, by TIm Cocks

Associated Press - Kurdish rebels: We won't stop fighting in Iraq, by Sinan Salaheddin

Reuters - Disarm or leave, Iraq's Talabani tells PKK, by Paul de Bendern

Washington Post - Turkish President Visits Iraq as Bombings Kill 34, by Anthony Shadid and K.I. Ibrahim

Associated Press - At least 23 dead in Iraq suicide blast

LA Times - 27 killed in two bombings in Iraq, by Saif Hameed and Ned Parker

Times Online UK - Kurdish funeral attack raises fear of escalating Iraqi violence, by Deborah Haynes

BBC - Basra airport ready for take-off, by Peter Grant



Reuters - U.S. outlines new Afghan strategy to NATO allies, by David Brunnstrom

BBC - Afghanistan: New tactics, same strategy? by Paul Reynolds

Christian Science Monitor - As US public sours on Afghanistan, Obama calls for 'exit strategy', by Jonathan Adams

Associated Press - UN mission in Afghanistan to lead civilian aid, by Edith M. Lederer

Times Online UK - Western officials in plot to dilute powers of President Karzai, by James Bone

Reuters - Holbrooke rejects report on sidelining Karzai

Reuters - Karzai to attend Afghanistan meeting, Ankara talks, by Hamid Shalizi

Reuters - Clinton to attend Afghan meeting, no word on Iran

Reuters - Australians oppose extra Afghan troops: poll, by Rob Taylor

Long War Journal - Coalition strike kills senior Taliban leader in Helmand, by Bill Roggio

New York Times - NATO Says Top Taliban Leader Slain, by Abdul Waheed Wafa and Mark McDonald

New York Times Baghdad Bureau - On the Spot: Counterterrorism, Afghan-Style, by Richard A. Oppel Jr.

Associated Press - NATO troops kill Afghan driver who fails to stop

Department of Defense - Coalition, Afghan Forces Kill Six, Detain 14 in Afghanistan Operations



LA Times - U.S. plans to boost civilian aid to Pakistan, by Julian E. Barnes and Paul Richter

Associated Press - Suicide bomber targets Pakistan police, 2 killed, by Asif Shahzad

BBC - Swat Taleban find Sharia a challenge, by Syed Shoaib Hasan

Associated Press - Pakistan militants strengthen in heartland, by Chris Brummitt

BBC - Fierce gun fight rages in Kashmir

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