ISW News Roundup - March 28, 2009


Reuters - Clashes between Iraq forces and Sunni guards kill three, by Waleed Ibrahim

Associated Press - Without pay, Iraqi Sunni fighters threaten to quit, by Robert H. Reid

LA Times - Kurd sees 'very bad signals' from Baghdad, by Ned Parker

Associated Press - Fallujah is test case for post-US Iraq, by Hamza Hendawi

Washington Post - Iraq Plans to Relocate Iran Opposition Group, by Ernesto Londono

New York Times Baghdad Bureau - The Moving Laser Lights, And, Having Lit, Moves On, by Stephen Farrell



Reuters - Afghan president welcomes U.S. strategy review

Associated Press - Afghan, Pakistani leaders praise new US strategy, by Sebastian Abbot

Washington Post - Obama Outlines Afghan Strategy, by Karen DeYoung

LA Times - Obama pledges more troops, funds to fight militants in Afghanistan, Pakistan, by Paul Richter and Julian E. Barnes

New York Times - White House Debate Led to Plan to Widen Afghan Effort, by Helene Cooper and Eric Schmitt

RFE/RL - Truck Laden With Explosives Impounded In Afghanistan

RFE/RL - Afghan Soldier Kills Two U.S. Troops

CNN - Russia ready to help bring peace to Afghanistan

Long War Journal - Analysis: US outlines new Afghanistan state, by Thomas Joscelyn and Bill Roggio


Reuters - FACTBOX: Security developments in Afghanistan

LA Times - Taliban leader looks to reclaim Afghanistan, U.S. says, by Julian E. Barnes and Greg Miller

Reuters - U.S. hopes to engage with Iran on Afghanistan Tuesday

Reuters - Afghan president could call jirga to solve poll row, by Hamid Shalizi



Reuters - Pakistani forces kill 26 militants in Mohmand region

Washington Post - Crowded Mosque Bombed in Pakistan, by Haq Nawaz and Pamela Constable

Reuters - Pakistan's ISI still linked to militants, U.S. says

Times Online UK - Barack Obama offers new strategy to tame Pakistan, by Tim Reid and Zahid Hussein

Times Online UK -How security forces got the message loud and clear from man behind 'Radio Taleban', by Stuart Ramsay

Times Online UK - President Obama to invest $5bn in Pakistan as part of Afghan strategy, by Philippe Naughton

Reuters - Pakistan's Zardari lets Sharif take back Punjab, by Zeeshan Haider




Reuters - Hamas frees rival Fatah leaders in Gaza

New York Times - Israel Disputes Soldiers' Accounts of Gaza Abuses, by Ethan Bronner


Long War Journal - Yemen's three terror fronts, by Jane Novak


New York Times - Sectarian Tension Takes Volatile Form in Bahrain, by Michael Slackman

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