ISW News Roundup - April 5, 2009


Reuters - Iraq's policewomen struggle change perception, Aseel Kami

Associated Press - US soldier charged with contractor murder in Iraq

New York Times Baghdad Bureau - Visual Diary: Former Insurgents, by Christoph Bangert

LA Times - Black funeral banners belie Iraq's declining death toll, by Ned Parker and Usama Redha



Washington Post - Afghan Law on Women Brings Societel Conflict Onto World Stage, by Pamela Constable

New York Times - Europeans Offer Few New Troops for Afghanistan, by Steven Erlanger and Helene Cooper

New York Times - Karzai Vows to Review Family Law, by Carlotta Gall and Sangar Rahimi

Christian Science Monitor - Obama, the pragmatist, wins NATO kudos but few troops for Afghan mission, by Robert Marquand



Reuters - At least 22 killed in Pakistan suicide bombing, by Faisal Mehmood

Reuters - U.S. missile kills 13 in Pakistan, by Robert Birsel

Times Online UK - UN hostage John Solecki released in Pakistan as militants attack mosque, by Zahid Hussain and Jeremy Page

Long War Journal - Suicide bomber kills 24 at Shia mosque in Pakistan, by Bill Roggio

New York Times - 3 Suicide Attacks in 24 Hours in Pakistan, by Jane Perlez and Pir Zubair Khan

Associated Press - Taliban threaten 2 attacks per week in Pakistan, by Zarar Khan

Reuters - TIMELINE: Attack destabilized strife-torn Pakistan

Associated Press - With conditions set on aid, Pakistan sharpens tone, by Stephen Graham

Wall Street Journal - Pakistan Is Wary Over New U.S. Policy, by Matthew Rosenberg and Siobhan Gorman

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