ISW News Roundup - April 6, 2009


Associated Press - Series of bombings in Baghdad Shiite areas kill 33, by Hamid Ahmed

Reuters - Six car bombs kill 34 across Baghdad

New York Times - Ancient Sect Navigates Iraq's New Voting Process, by Campbell Robertson and Stephen Farrell

RFE/RL -U.S. To Hand Over Two More Detention Facilities To Iraq

Long War Journal - Iraqi Security Forces Order of Battle Update: April 2009, by DJ Elliott



Reuters - Afghan Shi'ite law on hold for review, by Golnar Motevalli

RFE/RL - Secretary of State Clinton Criticizes Controversial Afghan Women Law

Associated Press - Germany's Merkel visits Afghanistan

Voice of America - US Special Envoy, Chairman of Joint Chiefs in Kabul for Talks

New York Times - A Coffin, a Flag, a Photograph



Associated Press - Pakistanis mourn victims of mosque bombing, by Zarar Khan

Wall Street Journal - Pakistan Wary as U.S. Gets Tough, by Matthew Rosenberg and Siobhan Gorman

BBC - Plight of Pakistan's displaced, by Barbara Plett

Reuters - Pakistan grapples with slide in security; envoy due, by Zeeshan Haider

New York Times - Time Is Short as U.S. Presses a Reluctant Pakistan, by Jane Perlez




Reuters - Iran criticizes Obama, calls on U.S. to scrap nuclear arms


Associated Press - Obama tells Turks that US is not at war with Islam

Associated Press - Obama talks of shared fight against terror

North Korea

LA Times - U.N. Security Council fails to agree on North Korea reaction, by Paul Richter and Geraldine Baum

Washington Post - After Launch, Obama Focuses On Disarmament, by Michael D. Shear and Colum Lynch


Washington Post - Short '06 Lebanon War Stokes Pentagon Debate, by Greg Jaffe


New York Times - Palestinians Are Focus in Abbas Visit to Baghdad, by Campbell Robertson

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