ISW News Roundup - April 12, 2009


Washington Post - Blast in Iraq Kills 8 In Paramilitary Force, by Ernesto Londono and Saad Sarhan

Wall Street Journal - Iraq Withdrawl Is on Pace, Top U.S. General Says, by Deborah Solomon

Reuters - U.S. general says Iraq attacks no reason to panic, by Alan Elsner

New York Times - Arrests Deepen Iraqi Sunnis' Bitterness, by Alissa J. Rubin

Associated Press - General: Iraqi PM to decide on troops in cities, by Steven R. Hurst

Associated Press - Iraqi lawmakers decry move against cartoonist, by Sameer N. Yacoub

Associated Press - As Marines' exit gathers pace, some Iraqis fret, by Chelsea J. Carter

Associated Press - Iraq's embattled Christians celebrate Easter, by Katarina Kratovac

LA Times - Some U.S. troops tempted by reconstruction cash, by Kim Murphy

LA Times - Iraq veterans, now home, still serve the dead, by David Zucchino


Afghanistan and Pakistan

Associated Press - Female official killed in southern Afghanistan, by Noor Khan

New York Times - Allies Ponder How to Plan Elections in Afghanistan, by Carlotta Gall

Associated Press - US says 4 militants killed in Afghan clash, by Noor Khan

RFE/RL - Afghan Officials Hope Tea Farms WIll Replace Poppy Fields

Long War Journal - Analysis: Pakistani TNSM serves as Taliban front, by Bill Roggio

Reuters - Pakistan militants torch Afghan supplies

Reuters - Baluch militants kill six mine workers in Pakistan, by Gul Yousafzai




Reuters - Egypt state-controlled paper denounces Hezbollah


Reuters - Abbas calls Israel's Netanyahu, urges peace moves


LA Times - Iran alleges foreign-funded plot to undermine government, by Borzou Daragahi

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