ISW News Roundup - May 21, 2009

 May 20, 2009 Roundup                                                                       May 22, 2009 Roundup


Washington Post  - Three U.S. Soldiers Killed In Latest Baghdad Attack, by Nada Bakri & Ernesto Londono

Reuters - Baghdad Bomb Kills 35 in Poor Shi'ite District, by Mohammed Abbas & Missy Ryan 

New York Times - Iraq Bombings Shatter Lull, by Timothy Williams, Campbell Robertson, & Atheer Kakan

Reuters - Is Iraq's Enigmatic Sadr Headed for a Comback?, by Missy Ryan & Waleed Ibrahim

Reuters - Civilian Jury Considers Death Penalty for Ex-G.I., by James Dao



Department of Defense - New Strategy Treats Afghanistan, Pakistan as Integrated Theater, by Jim Garamone 

Department of Defense - Afghan Commandos Kill 18 Enemy Fighters in Helmand Province

New York Times - U.S. Pullout a Condition in Afghan Peace Talks, by Dexter Filkins

Department of Defense - U.S., French Soldiers Train Afghan Artillerymen, by Spc. Matthew Thompson



Reuters - Pakistan's Allies Promise $224 million for Displaced, by Kamran Haider

Los Angeles Times - Pakistan Army Says Dozens of Taliban Killed

Wall Street Journal - Taliban Face Resistance in Pakistan

Reuters - U.S. Says Aid Won't Go to Pakistan's Nuclear Program, by Arshad Mohammed & Susan Cornwell

Wall Street Journal - Pakistan, India and U.S. Begin Sharing Intelligence, by Jay Solomon & Siobhan Gorman



North Africa

Reuters - Qaeda Extends British Hostage Deadline, by Lin Noueihed


New York Times - Iran Test-Fires Missile With 1,200 Mile Range, by David E. Sanger & Nazila Fathi

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