ISW News Roundup - May 26, 2009

May 22, 2009 Roundup                                                                  May 27, 2009 Roundup


Washington Post - Green Zone Deaths Raise Security Fears, Ernesto Londono 

New York Times - Autopsies of War Dead Reveal Ways to Save Others, by Denise Grady 

Associated Press - U.S. Military Says Large-Scale Attacks in Iraq Down by Half

New York Times - Iraqi Officials Expect Moves Amid Inquiry, by Campbell Robertson and Suadad Al-Salhy

New York Times -Trade Official Quits as Iraq Continues Investigations, Timothy Williams and Abeer Mohammed

Department of Defense - Forces Detain Suspect, Net Weapons in Iraq

New York Times - At Least 22 Killed in Iraq Attacks, by Rod Nordland

Los Angeles Times - U.S. Prepares to Withdraw, Iraqi Resistance Prepares for Battle, by Ned Parker

New York Times - Fate of Missing Iraqis Haunts Those Left Behind, by Timothy Williams

Washington Post - For Displaced Iraqis, 'No Life,' by Nada Bakri

Christian Science Monitor - Iraqi Army: Almost One-Quarter Lacks Minimum Qualifications, by Jane Arraf

Department of Defense - U.S. Soldiers Coordinate Training with Iraqi Forces, by Army Sgt. Brandon LeFlore



Department of Defense - Troops in Afghanistan Kill Dozens of Insurgents , Seize Weapons, Drugs

New York Times - 3 Americans and a Civilian Die in Afghanistan Attack, by Adam B. Ellick and Abdul Waheed Wafa

Reuters - Picking up the Pieces from Afghanistan's War, by Emma Graham-Harrison

Reuters - Afghan Floods Kill 94, Make Thousands Homeless

BBC - 'Record' Afghanistan Drug Bust

Washington Post - US Lawyers Ask Afghan Court to Help Gitmo Inmate, by Heidi Vogt and Mike Melia



Reuters - Pakistanis in Swat "Face Catastrophe;" Clashes Spread, by Robert Birsel

Reuters - Most Uprooted Pakistanis Shun Refugee Camps: U.N., by Laura MacInnis

Reuters - Pakistani Soldiers Battle Taliban in Swat Town, by Kamran Haider

Reuters - Pakistani Jets Pound Taliban Militants in Northwest, by Hasan Mehmood

RFE/RL - Six Dead as Pakistan Attacks Militants in Waziristan

RFE/RL - Petraeus Tells RFE/RL that Recent Gitmo, Interrogation Moves Will 'Help,' by Andy Heil




VOA News - Iran Sends Warships to International Waters

New York Times - Support for Moderate a Challenge to Iran's Leader, by Nazila Fathi

Reuters - Iran's Ahmadinejad Rejects Western Nuclear Proposal, by Parisa Hafezi and Zahra Hosseinian


Reuters - India Likely to Move on U.S. Military Pact, by Sanjeev Miglani

Reuters - Cyclone Aila Kills Nearly 120 in Bangladesh, India, by Anis Ahmed

North Korea

Washington Post - North Korea Test-Fires 2 More Missiles, by Blaine Harden


New York Times - Israel Ties 2 Nations to Iran's Uranium


Times Online UK - PKK Leader Offers Turkey an Olive Branch to End War


BBC - French President Sarkozy Opens UAE Base

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