Global News Alert - December 21, 2009

December 18, 2009 Global News Alert               December 22, 2009 Global News Alert


BBC News - Taliban Gunmen Storm Afghan City of Gardez

Reuters - Afghan Troops Kill Taliban Attackers, Official Says,by Elyas Wahdat

Associated Press - 2 Taliban Die in Clash with Police in Afghan City, by Rahim Faiez

New York Times - Afghan Killing Bares a Karzai Family Feud, by James Risen

VOA News - Afghan President Defends Decision on Cabinet Nominees

New York Times - Amid Scruting, Karzai Defends Cabinet Picks, by Alissa Rubin

RFE/RL - Afghanistan's Karzai Defends Cabinet Nominees

New York Times - Civilians Train in "Afghan City' in the Midwest, by Mark Lander

Christian Science Monitor - How NATO Hopes to Undercut the Afghan Taliban, by Ben Arnoldy

Department of Defense - Commission Examines Contracting Issues, by Gerry Gilmore



Associated Press - Hard Realities as US Pushes Pakistan, by Anne Gearan

Reuters - Pakistan's Sharif Holds Off Full Attack on Zardari, by Kamran Haider

Washington Post - Insurgents Forced Out of Pakstian's Tribal Havens Form Smaller Cells in Heart of Nation, by Griff Witte and joby Warrick



Washington Times - U.S. Reaching Out to Former Foes in Iraq, by Eli Lake

Washington Post - Iraq Election Workers Targets for Insurgents, by Michael Hastings

New York Times - Iraqi Qaeda Group Shifts to Remain a Threat, by Eric Schmitt

Reuters - Suicide Attack Kills Local Leader in Northern Iraq

Department of Defense - Hill, Odierno Discuss Iraq Election, Relations With Iran, by Jim Garamone

New York Times - Iran-Iraq Standoff Over Oil Field Ends, by Timothy Williams and Duraid Adnan

VOA News -Iraq Says Iranian Troops Withdrawn from Oil Well, Still in Iraq

Associated Press - Iraq: Bombs Kill 5 in Northern City, Baghdad, by Rebecca Santana




Wall Street Journal - Cleric's Death, Torture Case Jolt Iran, by Farnas Fassihi

Associated Press - Iran Cleric's Funeral Turns to Opposition Protest, by Brian Murphy

Reuters - Protests Mark Funeral of Dissident Iranian Cleric, by Parisa Hafezai and Fredrik Dahl

Washington Post - Opposition Cleric Mourner as Iran Tightens Censors, by Thomas Erdbrink

Associated Press - Iran Nuclear Negotiator Calls for Atom Arms Ban, by Malcolm Foster

VOA News - Obama Administraion: Iran to Face 'Consequences' Over Nuclear Program, by Michael Bowman

North Korea

Wall Street Journal - Arms Seized by Thailand Were Iran-Bound, by Daniel Michaels and Marget Coker

VOA News - North Korea Threatehs to Open Fire in Disputed Sea Area, by Kurt Achin


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