Global News Alert - January 15, 2010

January 14, 2010 Global News Alert                      January 19, 2010 Global News Alert


Associated Press - Roadside Bomb Kills 5 Family Members in Afghanistan, by Noor Khan

Wall Street Journal - Suicide Bomber Kills 20 in Afghanistan, by Anand Gopal

Washington Post - Market Blast Kills 16 in Afghanistan, by Keith Richburg

Christian Science Monitor - Rebuilding Afghanistan: Will Government Take Hold in this Post-Taliban Town?, by Ben Arnoldy

Wall Street Journal - U.K. Conference to Focus on Afghan Priorities, by Alistair MacDonald

RFE/RL - Kabul's Taliban Reconciliation Strategy Gains Momentum, by Abubakar Siddique

New York Times - Japan Ends Naval Support for Afghan War, by Martin Fackler

BBC News - Afghan Mission Shifts Amid Troop Surge, by Caroline Wyatt



Washington Post - U.S. Drone Attack May Have Killed Pakistani Taliban Chief, by Pamela Constable and Haq Nawaz Khan

Christian Science Monitor - Drone Targets Pakistan Taliban Chief Hakimullah Mehsud.  Is He Dead?, by Tom Peter

Reuters - U.S. War on Militancy Hits Pakistan Economy: Zardari, by Michael Georgy



Washington Post - 3 Explosions Roch Holy Shiite City in Iraq, by Leila Fadel and Saad Sarhan

BBC News - Iraqi Election Commission Bans 500 Candidates

New York Times - Iraqi Commission Bars Nearly 500 Candidates, by Anthony Shadid




Washington Times - Obama Sends Troops to Haiti's Rescue, by Nicholas Kralev

Wall Street Journal - Haitian Rescue Stymied Amid Chaos, by Charles Forelle and Jose De Cordoba

New York Times - Tensions Mount in Devastated Capital as Aid Starts to Reach Haiti, by Marc Lacey

Washington Post - On Streets of Haiti's Capital Two Days After Quake, Growing Despair, by Mary Beth Sheridan, William Booth and Manuel Roi-Franzai


Reuters - Iran to Try 16 Over December Unrest


Reuters - Somalia Clashes Kill 138 in Two Weeks: Rights Group, by Abdi Sheikh


Times Online - Clerics Threaten to Declare Holy War if Foreign Troops Land on Yemen Soil, by James Hider

BBC News - Yemen Treads Find Line Against al-Qaeda, by Paul Wood


Associated Press - North Korea Threatens to Stop Talks with South Korea, by Kwang-Tae Kim


Christian Science Monitor - Israel-Turkey Spat Reveals Israel's New 'National Pride' Policy, by Ilene Prusher

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