Global News Alert - January 19, 2010

January 15, 2010 Global News Alert                     January 20, 2010 Global News Alert


LA Times - Daring Taliban Attack in Kabul Dispels Any Complacency, by Alex Rodriguez

New York Times - Kabul Attack Shows Resilience of Afghan Militants, by Dexter Filkins

Associated Press - Afghans Tighten Security in Kabul After Attack, by Rahim Faiez

Washington Post - Kabul Paralyzed by Bombings, Shootouts with Taliban Fighters, by Keith Richburg

Christian Science Monitor - What's Behind Latest Taliban Attack on Kabul? by Ben Arnoldy

Washington Post - Congested Border Crossing May Affect U.S. Buildup in Afghanistan, by Joshua Partlow

Department of Defense - Gates: Initial Progress Shows Afghanistan Strategy On Track, by Donna Miles

Wall Street Journal - Gates: Afghan Reconciliation Efforts Critical, by Yochi Dreazen

Associated Press - Gates Says Taliban Chief Unlikely to Reconcile, by Anne Gearan

LA Times - Afghan President Unlikely to Form Cabinet before Key International Aid Conference, by Alex Rodriguez

Times Online - Britain and US Consider Asking India to Train Afghan National Police, by Jeremy Page

Associated Press - UN: Afghans Forced to Pay Billions in Bribes, by Sylvia Hui



Wall Street Journal - U.S. Drone Hits Paksitan Target, by Zahid Hussain

Washington Post - Missile Strike in Pakistani Tribal Area Kills 15, by Pamela Constable

RFE/RL - Karachi Seen As Key to Pakistan's Future, by Abubakar Siddique

Reuters - Pakistan Blocks Agenda at U.N. Disarmament Conference, by Jonathan Lynn



LA Times - Iraqi Prime Minister Backs Ban on 500 Election Candidates, by Liz Sly

Washington Post - Sunni Iraqis Fear Disenfranchisement After Hundreds of Candidates Banned, by Leila Fadel and Ernesto Londono

VOA News - Some Iraqis Angry Over Possible Banning of Candidates from Election, by Edward Yeranian

RFE/RL - Iraq Parliamentary Campaign Raises Fears of Sectarian Strife

New York Times - The Rise and Fall of a Sunni in Baghdad, by Nada Bakri

Times Online - Five Killed as Death Squads Return to Baghdad, by Oliver August

New York Times - Gunmen Attack a Charity in a Sunni Neighborhood of Baghdad, by John Leland

Associated Press - Marines Exit Iraq in First Wave of US Forces Out, by Lara Jakes

Reuters - Iraq Instructs Lawyers to Take on Blackwater Cases, by Muhanad Mohammed




Washington Post - Security Fears Mount in Lawless Post-Earthquake Haiti, by Manuel Roig-Franzia, Mary Beth Sheridan, and Michael Ruane

Associated Press - Haiti Chaos Hampers Aid Delivery; Death Toll Rises, by Alfred de Montesquiou and Mike Melia

Department of Defense - Security Incidents in Haiti Impede Relief Efforts, General Says, by John Kruzel

Wall Street Journal - Aid to Haiti Speeds Up, but Delays Plague Effort, by Charles Forelle, Jose de Cordoba, and Joe Lauria

VOA News - UN Chief Asks Security Council to Authorize More Troops, Police for Haiti, by Margaret Besheer

Times Online - Sarkozy Backs Off from Haiti as US Military Aridrops Aid, by Philippe Naughton



Washington Times - Review: Iran Never Halted Nuke Work in '03, by Eli Lake

BBC News - Four Arrested After Iran Prosecutor Assassianted

Associated Press - Iran: Kurdish Rebels May Have Killed Prosecutor

New York Times - Germany Supports Tougher Iran Sanctions, by Judy Dempsey


Wall Street Journal - Al Qaeda in Yemen Warns It Is Intact and Will Strike, by Margaret Coker and Chip Cummins

Reuters - Yemen Shi'ite Rebel Leader Alive but Wounded, by Mohammed Ghobari


Christian Science Monitor - Somali Pirates Fight Over Record Ransom, by Scott Baldaud


Associated Press - Religious Violence Erupts Again in Central Nigeria, by Ahmed Saka

Christian Science Monitor - Pirates Take New Territory: West African Gulf of Guinea, by Scott Baldauf

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