
ISIS Sanctuary: December 21, 2015

December 21, 2015 - Institute for the Study of War

This newly-updated ISIS Sanctuary Map includes changes reflecting that Sinjar was retaken by anti-ISIS Kurdish forces and also highlights new confidence in the assessment that Liwa Shuhada al-Yarmouk - a rebel faction operating in Southern Syria - constitutes an unofficial ISIS affiliate in the region.

Russian Airstrikes in Syria: December 13 - 21, 2015

December 21, 2015 - Genevieve Casagrande
Key Takeaway: Russia continues to use its air campaign in Syria to bolster the position of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad despite an ongoing political process to end the Syrian Civil War. Russian warplanes concentrated airstrikes against rebel positions southwest of Aleppo City from December 18 to December 21, enabling pro-regime forces to seize the keytown of Khan Touman and several nearby villages on December 20.

Russian Airstrikes in Syria: December 7 - 17, 2015

December 18, 2015 - Genevieve Casagrande

Russia continues to use disinformation to present its air campaign as a constructive force in Syria ahead of the next wave of talks on the Syrian conflict. The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) claimed to provide air support to elements of the Free Syrian Army in an effort to “unite” the various efforts of regime and “other groups” in Syria on December 15.

The myth of partnering with Assad, Russia, and Iran against ISIS

December 16, 2015 - Jennifer Cafarella

The Hill (Dec. 7, 2015): "The U.S. and its allies must resist drifting into a flawed partnership with Russia and Iran in Syria in order to defeat ISIS....The apparently easy solution offered by Russia will nonetheless fail. Russia cannot actually deliver the results the U.S. requires in Syria."

Meet ISIL’s Most Dangerous Affiliates

December 16, 2015 - Harleen Gambhir

Politico (Dec. 14, 2015): "With startling speed, the Middle Eastern terrorist organization known as ISIL has burst into the local news in Western nations, associated with attacks in Paris and now, if indirectly, with the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California....ISIL’s global strategy should come as no surprise."

Russia Security Update: December 9-15, 2015

December 15, 2015 - Hugo Spaulding

Russia’s intervention in Syria has forced the West to reengage Moscow in order to resolve the threat more immediately posed by ISIS even as President Vladimir Putin continues to bend international norms in his favor. Secretary of State John Kerry signaled the U.S.’s willingness to not only reengage with the Kremlin but also to make strategic concessions after his meeting with Putin in Moscow, where he signaled that Washington would accept succession to Assad rather than demand full replacement of the regime.

Iraq Situation Report: December 8 - 14, 2015

December 14, 2015 - Patrick Martin

The ISF accomplished major gains in Ramadi amid reports of an imminent increase of U.S. support, recapturing key areas north and south of the city and began advancing into the city’s southeastern neighborhoods.

Ukraine Crisis Update: December 14, 2015

December 14, 2015 - Hugo Spaulding

Russian-backed separatists intensified attacks along multiple frontline positions in Ukraine in early December 2015, demonstrating Moscow’s intent to continue destabilizing Ukraine after a two-month operational pause that coincided with the launch of Russian operations in Syria. Russia’s proxies in Ukraine increasingly launched attacks using heavy weapons on major flashpoints in Donetsk Oblast since fighting resumed in November while separatists in neighboring Luhansk Oblast remain less active.

Russian Airstrikes in Syria: December 3 - 12, 2015

December 12, 2015 - Genevieve Casagrande

Russia and the Syrian regime faced significant setbacks in Syria this week as ISIS recaptured the towns of Maheen and Hawareen in the southeastern countryside of Homs on December 9.

Afghanistan Threat Assessment: The Taliban and ISIS

December 11, 2015 - Jessica D. Lewis

This map partially depicts areas of Taliban control and support and ISIS presence across Afghanistan as of December 10, 2015 as well as the status of district centers that have been attacked by Taliban militants in 2015. ISW will update this map as ground conditions change and as analysts continue to assess support zones.
