
The Kremlin’s Irregular Army: Ukrainian Separatist Order of Battle

September 7, 2017 - Franklin Holcomb

Russian President Vladimir Putin's political-military campaign in Ukraine undermines Ukraine's sovereignty and threatens Europe more than three years after Russia's invasion. Russian leaders will continue to extend and exploit the war to destabilize Ukraine and prevent its further integration with the West until the costs of their campaign change their calculus.

Syria Situation Report: August 23 - 30, 2017

September 1, 2017 - Institute for the Study of War

This graphic marks the latest installment of our Syria SITREP Map made possible through a partnership between the Institute for the Study of War and Syria Direct. This graphic depicts significant developments in the Syrian Civil War from August 23 - 30, 2017. The control of terrain represented on the graphic is accurate as of August 8, 2017.

Syria Situation Report: August 8 - 23, 2017

August 25, 2017 - Institute for the Study of War

This series of graphics marks the latest installments of our Syria SITREP Map made possible through a partnership between the Institute for the Study of War and Syria Direct. These graphics depict significant developments in the Syrian Civil War from August 8 - 23, 2017. The control of terrain represented on the graphics is accurate as of August 8, 2017.

"AFGHANISTAN: IT'S NOT OVER" BY LTG JAMES DUBIK (RET.) (SMALL WARS JOURNAL) - Originally Published September 2, 2010

August 21, 2017 - LTG James M. Dubik (U.S. Army, Ret.)

"In May, 2007 I deployed to Iraq to become the Commanding General responsible for accelerating the growth of the Iraqi Security Forces in size, capability, and confidence.

Iraq’s Lessons for Transition in Afghanistan - Originally Published November 15, 2010

August 21, 2017 - LTG James M. Dubik (U.S. Army, Ret.)

In his December 2009 speech at West Point, President Obama set July 2011 as the beginning of a process of transition in Afghanistan, where geographic or functional responsibilities are to be handed over from the international coalition to the host nation. As policymakers in NATO capitals and practitioners in Afghanistan think about transition, they can take a lesson from the Iraq experience. The United States actually experienced two types of transitions in Iraq.

Syria Situation Report: July 27 - August 9, 2017

August 9, 2017 - ISW Press

By ISW Syria Team and Syria Direct

This series of graphics marks the latest installments of our Syria SITREP Map made possible through a partnership between the Institute for the Study of War and Syria Direct. These graphics depict significant developments in the Syrian Civil War from July 27 to August 9, 2017. The control of terrain represented on the graphics is accurate as of August 8, 2017.

Congressional Testimony: Al Qaeda's Persistent Threat

July 13, 2017 - ISW Press

Testimony of Jennifer Cafarella before the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee hearing on July 13, 2017 titled "The Persistent Threat: al Qaeda's Evolution and Resilience."

Syria Situation Report: May 19 - June 1, 2017

June 2, 2017 - Chris Kozak

ISIS launched a wave of spectacular attacks in Western Syria prior to the start of Ramadan on May 26. NATO leaders agreed to formally join the Anti-ISIS Coalition in Iraq and Syria during the NATO Summit in Brussels on May 25.

Iraq Situation Report: May 6 - 20, 2017

May 21, 2017 - ISW Press

Iran-backed Shia militias set conditions to disrupt or deny U.S.-backed forces freedom of maneuver near the Iraq-Syria border. Iran-backed Popular Mobilization Unit (PMU) forces began clearing territory in western Ninewa Province toward the Syrian border. Iran-backed PMU forces also conducted offensives against ISIS in northern Diyala and Salah al-Din provinces, and defended positions north of the Makhoul Mountains and southwest of Tuz Khurmatu from ISIS ground assaults.
