Operation Raider Harvest
January 7, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War
This backgrounder details the conduct of Raider Harvest and its potential impact on security in northern Diyala province.
This backgrounder details the conduct of Raider Harvest and its potential impact on security in northern Diyala province.
Report on the intra-Shia violence between the Sadrist Trend and ISCI in Diwaniyah from April to December of 2007
Maps of the Changing Levels of Ethno-Sectarian Violence in Baghdad
Map of the Disposition of Coalition Brigades in Iraq
Map of Al-Qaeda in Iraq's Presence in December of 2007
Map of Al-Qaeda's Presence in Iraq in December of 2006
This Iraq Report explains the summer offensive operations in Diyala province, northeast of Baghdad.
The reemergence of Iraq's Shiite leadership comes as the Iranian regime now stands only on the religious claims of authority made by Ali Khamenei.
Over the last year, Saydiyah has become one of the principal battlegrounds for the territorial war between Shi'a militias and al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) in Baghdad.