
Iranian Strategy in Syria

May 2, 2013 - Joseph Holliday

The Islamic Republic of Iran has conducted an extensive, expensive, and integrated effort to keep President Bashar al-Assad in power as long as possible.

Syria Update: Implications of Chemical Weapon Use on U.S. Aid Decision

May 1, 2013 - Institute for the Study of War

On April 25, U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel confirmed that the United States had evidence of chemical weapons use by the Syrian regime, albeit with “varying degrees of confidence”

2013 Iraq Update #17B: Iraq On The Edge

April 28, 2013

Iraq continues its slide towards widespread violence. Over the weekend, the Iraqi government has issued an ultimatum to anti-government protesters following an attack in Anbar province that left five soldiers dead.

The Smart and Right Thing in Syria

April 22, 2013 - Kimberly Kagan

The United States must embrace the Syrian opposition fully in order to strengthen its moderate elements, convert the networks of opposition groups into a functioning hierarchy that can govern the country, and ensure that a moderate, representative state friendly to the United States emerges in the wake of Assad.

Iraq’s Provincial Elections and their National Implications

April 19, 2013

On April 20th, Iraq will hold its third provincial elections since 2005. There are 447 open seats nationwide, and competition for them is fierce. Previous elections illustrate that winning provincial seats can reverberate on the national level.

Syria Update: Regime Breaks Siege of Wadi al-Deif

April 18, 2013 - Institute for the Study of War

On April 14, 2013, regime forces broke the 6-month siege of the Wadi al-Deif and Hamidiya military compounds outside of Maarat al-Numan, putting the rebel opposition in the area on the defensive and reestablishing overland supply lines to the bases.

Maliki's Authoritarian Regime

April 17, 2013

Today, political and military power in Iraq is highly centralized in Prime Minister Maliki’s personal office. This will have important implications for the future of Iraq and the trajectory and durability of its democratic transition.

Syria Update: Jabhat Nusra Aligns with al-Qaeda

April 15, 2013 -

Jabhat Nusra officially pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda head Ayman al-Zawahiri in a recent statement. Despite Jabhat Nusra's attempts to reaffirm their Syrian identity, the announcement will likely enhance existing fractures between Jabhat Nusra and other opposition groups.

Syria Update: The Southern Battlefronts

April 5, 2013 - Institute for the Study of War

The Syrian opposition in southern Syria has achieved significant gains in recent weeks. The opposition in the north and south now appear to be launching similar, coordinated campaigns to outlast the will of the regime.

Governance In Rebel-Held Syria

March 28, 2013

Since the fall of al-Raqqa city into rebel hands in mid-March 2013, many Syria commentators have been closely tracking events in the city as an indicator of Syria’s future under rebel control.
