Global News Alert - December 7, 2009

December 4, 2009 News Alert                                                  December 8, 2009 New Alert


Associated Press - US Says bin Laden Sometimes Slips into Afghanistan, by Robert Burns

Washington Post - Contract Hirings in Afghanistan to Emphasize Locals, by Walter Pincus

Washington Post - McChystal's Afghanistan Plan Stays Mainly intact, by Rajiv Chandrasekaran and Greg Jaffe

Christian Science Monitor - Will US Drones Start Attacking Mullah Omar in Pakistan?, by David Montero

RFE/RL - Karzai to Unveil Afghan Cabinet in Days

Department of Defense -Top Leaders Spell Out President's Strategy, by Fred W. Baker III

Wall Street Journal - Afghan Withdrawal to Be Gradual, by Stephen Power

New York Times - No Firm Plans for a U.S. Exit in Afghanistan, by Mark Mazzetti

LA Times - Robert Gates Says Afghanistan Withdrawal Will Be Gradual, by Paul Richter

Associated Press - Gates: US in Afghanistan 2 to 4 More Years

Washington Post - Obama Pressed for Faster Surge, by Anne Kornbult, Scott Wilson, and Karen DeYoung

LA TImes - Marines, Afghan Soldiers Attack Taliban Stronghold, by Tonry Perry

LA Times - $10 Million is Smuggled Out of Afghanistan Daily, Official Says, by Tony Perry

LA Times - Marines Give Afghan Police the Drill, by Tony Perry

Reuters - More Clarity Sought on Obama Civilian Afghan Plan, by Sue Pleming

Wall Street Journal - U.K. Expects Not to Add Troops, by Alistan MacDonald



Associated Press -Pakistan Court Starts Hearing Case Against Amnesty, by Zakar Khan

BBC News - Bomber Attacks Court in Pakistan



Reuters - Iraq Lawmakers End Impasse, Election to Go Ahead, by Waleed Ibrahim

New York Times - Iraqis Reach a Deal on Long-Delayed Election Law, by Marc Santora and Riyadh Mohmmed

Washington Post - Millions' Worth of Gear Left in Iraq, by Ernesto Londono

Associated Press - Police: Blast Hits Iraq School; 5 Killed, by Chelsea Carter




VOA News - Iranian Police Clash with Protesters

Associated Press - Police Clash with Protesters at Iran University, by Ali Akbar Dareini

VOA News - Iran's Supreme Leader Blames West for Student Protests, by Edward Yeranian

Washington Times - Iran's Belligerence Masks Instability, by Barbara Slavin


Associated Press - Philippine Police Clash with Clan Supporters, by Pat Roque

Times Online - Philippine Fued Breaks Out into Armed Rebellion, by Richard Lloyd Parry

Sri Lanka

Times Online  - New Tamil Group People's Liberation Army Vows to Start Fresh War, by Anthony Lloyd


RFE/RL - Iran, Afghanistan Top Agenda as Turkey's Erdogan Meets Obama at White House

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