Global News Alert - February 1, 2010

January 29, 2010 Global News Alert                        February 2, 2010 Global News Alert


Times Online - President Karzai Invites Taliban to Join Peace Talks with Government, by Jerome Starkey

RFE/RL - Karzai Says He Has Always Favored Peace Talks with Taliban

Associated Press -Afghan Taliban Deny Meeting with UN, by Robert Reid

New York Times - Afghan Officials Says Talks with Taliban Are Ongoing, by Rod Nordland

BBC News - Taliban Attack Repelled in Afghanistan

Department of Defense - Afghan Forces Contain Attack on Barracks

LA Times - NATO Airstrike Kills 4 Afghan Troops, by Laura King

RFE/RL - NATO, Afghan Government Troops Clash

LA Times - Marine Assault Vehicles Key to Afghan Strategy, by Tony Perry

Christian Science Monitor - To Fight Deadliest Taliban Threat in Afghanistan, US Troops go Low-Tech, by Julius Cavendish

Washington Post - U.S. Makes Small Strides in Getting Afghan Army Fit, but Hurdles Remain, by Keith Richburg

Department of Defense - NATO Comander Sees Pivotal 2010 for Afghanistan, by Donna Miles

Washington Times - Kazakh Official Warns Against Quitting Afghanistan, by Claude Salhani



Washington Post - Leader of Pakistani Taliban Thought to be Dead after U.S. Strike, by Pamela Constable and Haq Nawaz Khan

LA Times - Pakistani Army Investigating Reports of Taliban Leader's Death, by Alex Rodriguez

Associated Press - Pakistani Taliban Deny Death of Their Leader, by Ishtiaq Mahsud

BBC News - Suicide Bomber Attacks Checkpoint in Pakistan



Wall Street Journal - Suicide Bomber Kills 41 Shiite Pilgrims in Baghdad, by Ben Lando

Associated Press - Iraqi Police: Female Suicide Bomber Kills 41, by Bushra Juhi

New York Times - Scores Killed in Attack on Shiite Pilgrims in Iraq, by Steven Lee Myers

New York Times - Incremental Steps in Iraq to Let Kurdistan Oil Flow, by Sam Dagher

RFE/RL - Iraq Signs 10th Oil Deal, Polls Loom

VOA News - Russia's Lukoil Wins Iraqi Contracts to Develop Major Oil Field

VOA News - Iraq Inaugurates Span of New Border Security Fence with Syria, by Edward Yeranian

Department of Defense - Veterans See Improvements in Iraqi Army, by Ben Hutto

New York Times - U.S. Examines Whether Blackwater Tried Bribery, by Mark Mazzetti and James Risen




Reuters - EU's Ashton Says Iran "Worrying," U.N. Next Route

LA Times - Iran's Opposition Leaders Call for Big Turnout on Anniversary of '79 Revolution, by Borzou Daragahi

Reuters - Iran Top Judge Rejects "Political" Hanging Pressure, by Parisa Hafezi

Wall Street Journal - How Bambi Met James Bond to Save Israel's Extinct Deer, by Charles Levinson

Persian Gulf

Times Online - U.S. Raises Tensions with Iran by Selling Anti-Missile Systems, by Tim Reid

LA Times - U.S. Beefs Up Defenses Near Iran, by Julian Barnes

Washington Post - U.S. Steps Up Arms Sales to Persian Gulf Allies, by Joby Warrick


Christian Science Monitor - Israel: Hamas Commander Killed in Dubai was Key Arms Smuggler, by Ilene Prusher

BBC News - Israel Reprimands Top Officers over UN Compound Strike


New York Times - Yemen Seems to Reject Cease-Fire with Rebels, by Robert Worth

LA Times - In Yemen, the Truth is a Casualty of War, by Jeffrey Fleishman and Haley Sweetland Edwards


New York Times - In Egypt, Religious Clashes Are Off the Record, by Michael Slackman


Christian Science Monitor - Nigeria Militants Call off Truce in Oil-Rich Niger Delta, by Scott Baldauf


Associated Press -8 Killed in Fighting in Somalia's Capital, by Mohamed Olad Hassan

North Korea

Associated Press - North Korean Weapons Mystery Continues, by Jane Fugal


Washington Post - As Food Distribution Improves, Haitians Want U.S. to 'Take Over,' by Peter Slevin

New York Times - In Quake's Wake, Haiti Faces Leadership Void, by Ginger Thompson and Marc Lacey

Associated Press - U.S. Troops More Than Welcome in Haiti - For Now, by Ben Fox


Washington Times - Arm Sales to Taiwan Provoke Beijing's Ire, by Bill Gertz

Wall Street Journal - U.S.-China Relations Cool on Arms Deal, by Andrew Browne and Jason Dean

Washington Post - China's Strident Tone Raises Concerns Among Western Governments, Analysts, by John Pomfret

United States Military

Washington Post - Gates Orders Air Force and Navy to Study Joint Weapons System, by Walter Pincus

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