Global News Alert - February 16, 2010

February 12, 2010 Global News Alert                   February 17, 2010 Global News Alert


New York Times - Secret Joint Raid Captures Taliban's Top Commander, by Mark Mazzetti and Dexter Filkins

Wall Street Journal - Taliban's No. 2 Commander Captured in Pakistan, by Siobhan Gorman and Matthew Rosenberg

Associated Press - Taliban's Top Military Commander Captured, by Munir Ahmad

New York Times - Half of Town's Taliban Flee or Are Killed, Allies Say, by Dexter Filkins

Wall Street Journal - Taliban Resist Afghan Offensive, by Matthew Rosenberg

Times Online - Hidden Enemy Delays Advance in Marjah, by Ben Anderson, Jerome Starkey, and Tim Reid

LA Times - Marines in Afghanistan Inch Forward Against Taliban, by Tonny Perry and Laura King

Christian Science Monitor - In Marjah Offensive, Afghan Forces Take the Lead, by Ben Arnoldy

New York Times - Clashes Intesify as Soldiers Push to Hold Key Areas, by C.J. Chivers

Washington Post - The Marines Move on Marja: A Perilous Slog Against Afghanistan's Taliban, by Rajiv Chandrasekaran

New York Times - Afghan Suicide Bombing Less Effective as a Tactic, by Rod Nordland

LA Times - 12 Afghans Killed in Errant Rocket Strike as U.S. Offensive Continues, by Tony Perry and Laura King

Washington Post - Afghanistan's Government Seeks More Control Over Elections, by Joshua Partlow



Wall Street Journal - Protests Shut Courts in Pakistan, by Zahid Hussain



Christian Science Monitor - Iraq Election Campaign Opens with Concern over Sectarian Disqualifications, by Jane Arraf

Reuters - Facing Death, Freed Iraq Detainees May Fight Again, by Suadad al-Salhy




New York Times - U.S. Encounters Limits of Iran Engagement Policy, by Helene Cooper

New York Times - Clinton Raises U.S. Concerns of Military Power in Iran, by Mark Landler

Washington Post - Hillary Clinton Warns of Revolutionary Guard's Growing Influence in Iran, by Glenn Kessler

Christian Science Monitor - Hillary Clinton's Middle East Tour: It's All About Iran, by Nancy Youssef

Rueters - Iran Hits Back at U.S. Over Dictatorship Comment

Washington Post - Dissident Iranians Find Refuge in Turkey, by Anthony Faiola

Washington Post - Israeli PM Pushes for Iran Sanctions, by Howard Schneider


Times Online - Somali Minister Yusuf Muhammad Survives Bomb Attack on Convoy


Christian Science Monitor - Talks with Pakistan Undeterred by Pune Attack, by Taylor Barnes

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