Global News Alert - February 22, 2010

February 21, 2010 Global News Alert                    February 23, 2010 Global News Alert


Associated Press - Afghan Police Say Tora Bora Commander Killed

Wall Street Journal - NATO Airstrike Kills Civilians, by Matthew Rosenberg and Habib Zahori

LA Times - NATO Airstrike Kills 27 Afghan Civilians, by Laura King

Reuters - NATO Afghan Airstrike Kills 27 Civilians, by Golnar Motevalli

New York Times - Dutch Pull-Out From War Expected After Government Collapse, by Nicholas Kulish

Times Online - Dutch Confrim Afghan Troop Pullout Sparking Fears of Domino Effect, by David Charter and Tom Coghlan

New York Times - U.S. Commander Describes Marja Battle as First Salvo in Campaign, by Joseph Berger

Times Online - General Stanley McChrystal Puts Focus on Afghan Province of Kandahar, by Deborah Haynes

Guardian - Approaching Fight for Kandahar May by Crucial Stage in Afghanistan War, by Saeed Shah

Times Online - Full Transcript of the Interview with General Stanley McChrystal, by Deborah Haynes

LA Times - Military Sweep of Marja Focuses on Pockets of 'Determined Resistance,' by Tony Perry and Laura King

Wall Street Journal - Progress in Marjah, But Civilian Trust Elusive, by Michael Phillips

Associated Press - Afghanistan Battle Shows War Rarely Fought to Plan, by Christopher Torchia

New York Times - Prize on the Battlefields of Marja May Be Momentum, by Dexter Filkins

Washinton Post - Battle for Marja not only Militarily Significant, by Greg Jaffe and Craig Whitlock

LA Times - Taliban is Just One of Many Challenges Face by Afghan Towns, by Tony Perry

Washington Post -New Marja Mayor Faces Daunting PR Sell to Local Afghans, by Rajiv Chandrasekaran

Washington Times - NATO Neglect Lets Taliban Built 35% More Strength, by Rowan Scarborough

Washington Post - Kabul Bank's Sherkhan Farnood Feeds Crony Capitalism in Afghanistan, by Andrew Higgins



Associated Press - Blast Kills 8 In Pakistan's Swat Valley, by Sherin Zada

BBC News - Blast 'Kills Five' in Main City in Pakistan

BBC News - Pakistan Air Stirke 'Kills 30' in South Waziristan

VOA News - India Sets Conditions for Improved Relationships with Pakistan, by Anjana Pasricha



Times Online - Saleh Mutlaq Pulls out of Iraqi Elections, Threatening US Plans, by Oliver August

Associated Press - Police Say Family of 8 Killed in Iraq, by Rebecca Santana

RFE/RL - Sixteen Killed in Spate of Attack Across Iraq

BBC News - US Rebrands Military Campaign in Iraq

New York Times - A Model of Harmony Is Found in a Flashpoint City for Iraqi Sectarian Fighting, by Timothy Williams

New York Times - Report Seeks Sole Agency to Rebuild War Zones, by Timothy Williams

BBC News - Iraq-Turkey Railway Link Re-Opens, by Jonathan Head




Associated Press - Iran: Work on 2 New Enrichment Sites to Begin Soon, by Ali Akbar Dareini

Reuters - Iran Picks Sites for 10 Uranium Enrichment Plants

Reuters - Israel Urges Iran Oil Embargo Even Without UN Okay, by Dan Williams

Times Online - BBC an Arm of MI6, Says Police Chief of Iran, by Catherine Philp


New York Times - Former Top Generals Detained in Turkish Coup Inquiry, by Sebnem Arsu


New York Times - Niger Junta Gives Assurances on Democracy Plans, by Adam Nossiter


Christian Science Monitor - Philippines Kills Abu Sayyaf Most-Wanted Albader Parad, by Simon Montlake

Falkland Islands

Times Online - Argentina to Launch Diplomatic Offensive to Reclaim Falkland Islands, by Frank Pope and Hannad Strange

North Korea

Wall Street Journal - Pyongyang Reports and Aging, Less Healthy Population, by Evan Ramstad 

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