Global News Alert - February 5, 2010

February 4, 2010 Global News Alert


Associated Press - Afghanistan: Blast at Dog Fight Kills 4, Wounds 26

Times Online - Joint Afghan and NATO Force Seeks to Clear Helmand Rebels, by Tom Coghlan

Reuters - UK Troops Pave Way for Major NATO Afghan Assault, by Baris Atayman

Reuters - Taliban Reject "Deal" with Afghanistan, West, by Jonathon Burch

VOA News - US, Afghanistan at Odds Over Reconciliation and Reintegration, by Gary Thomas

Christian Science Monitor - Afghanistan War: US Tries to Undercut Taliban at Tribal Level, by Thomas Day

Wall Street Journal - McChystal Sees Signs fo Progress in Push to Stabilize Afghanistan, by Peter Speigel

LA Times - Gen. McChrystal Sees Progress in Afghanistan, by Julian Barnes

New York Times - Top U.S. Commander Sees Progress in Afghanistan, by Thom Shanker

VOA News - Gates in Istanbul for Afghan Talks, by Al Pessin

LA Times - Command Errors Preceded Taliban Attack on Afghan Outpost, by Laura King

Washington Post - U.S. Commanders in Afghanistan Face Tougher Discipline for Battlefield Failures, by Greg Jaffe



Wall Street Journal - U.S. Puzzlies Over Top Militants's Fate, by Matthew Rosenberg

New York Times - Even Where Pakistani Law Exists, Taliban Find a Porous Border, by Souad Mekhennet and Richard Oppel

BBC News - Pakistan Double Bombing Kills Shia Muslims

Reuters - At Least 12 Die as Twin Blasts Hit Pakistan's Karachi, by Faisal Aziz

Associated Press - 5 Killed in Bomb Attack on Hospital in Pakistan, by Ashraf Khan

BBC News - Anger in Pakistan over Doctor COnviction, by Mark Dummett

Christian Science Monitor - US Troop Presence in Pakistan Meets Suprisingly Muted Response, by Issam Ahmed



Washinginton Post - Top Iraqi Court to Weigh Ruling on Barred National Candidates, by Leila Fadel and Aziz Alwan

Washington Post - Iraq Electoral Panel Questions Appeals Ruling on Barred Candidates, by Leila Fadel and Aziz Alwan

Wall Street Journal - Iraq Delays Start of Parliamentary Election Campaigns, by Margaret Coker

New York Times - Election Panel Puts Off Start of Iraq Paliament Race, by Nada Bakri

RFE/RL - Ba'ath Dispute Delays Iraq Election Campaign

Times Online - Iraq's Elections Could be a Turning Point - Backwards, by James Hider

VOA News - Blast Kills 27 in Iraqi Shi'ite City of Karbala

Associated Press -Bomb Kills 27 at Height of Iraqi Shiite Pilgrimage, by Chelsea Carter




Washington Post - China Could Block Sanctions Against Iran, by Glenn Kessler

Reuters - Iran Using Trick on Nuclear Program: German Foreign Minister

Associated Press - Iran Last Minute Addition to Munich Security Event, by Desmond Butler and David Rising

VOA News - Iran Says US Defense Missiles Easily Defeated

North Korea

Christian Science Monitor - In North Korea, Angry Crowds and Rising Prices Spur Power Plays, by Donald Kirk


Washington Post - In Haiti, U.S. Has Chance to Improve Image in Latin America, by Juan Forero


New York Times - Romanians Accept Plan for Basing of Missiles, by Nicholas Kulish and Ellen Barry

Christian Science Monitor - Romania Agrees to Host US Missile Interceptors, by Kristen Chick


New York Times - South Ossetians Warn Against Rearming Georgia, by Ellen Barry


RFE/RL - Could NATO Membership for Russia Break Impasse in European Security Debate?, by Robert Coalson

United States

Wall Street Journal - Google Working with NSA to Investigate Cyber Attack, by Siobhan Gorman and Jessica Vascellaro

Christian Science Monitor - Google Cyber Attacks a 'Wake-up" Call for U.S., Intel Chief Says, by Mark Clayton

Christian Science Monitor - Homegrown Terrorism a Growing Concern for US Intelligence, by Gordon Lubold

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