Global News Alert - January 21, 2010

January 20, 2010 Global News Alert                       January 22, 2010 Global News Alert


Wall Street Journal - NATO Plans New Top Job in Kabul, by Yaroslav Trofimov

Associated Press -NATO Planning Civilian Boss in Afghanistan, by Deb Riechmann

Associated Press - Afghan Villagers Say Civilians Killed in Raid, by Amir Shah

RFE/RL - Afghan Protest Deaths of Four in NATO-Government Raid

New York Times - U.S. Envisions a Continuing Civilian Presence in Afghanistan and Pakistan, by Mark Landler

New York TImes - Taliban Overhaul Image in Bid to Win Allies, by Alissa Rubin



Associated Press - Pakistani Army: No New Offensive for 6-12 Months, by Anne Gearan

New York Times - Pakistan Resists Call by U.S. to Root Out Militants, by Elisabeth Bumiller

BBC News - Pakistan Snubs US Over New Taliban Offensive

New York Times - Zardari Re-emerges, bu Effect on Pakistan in Unclear, by Sabrina Tavernise

LA Times - Gates Vows Closer Ties, Says Pakistan Must Fight Extremists, by Julian Barnes

Christian Science Monitor - Drone Strikes Essential in Pakistan, Gates Says, by Ben Hancock

Washington Post - Gates Urges Pakistan to Expand Crackdown on 'Common Enemies,' by Craig Whitlock



Associated Press - Iraqi President Order Probe on Election Ban, by Adam Schreck

New York Times - How an Imflammatory Term, Baathist, Bars Candidates in Iraq, by Anthony Shadid

RFE/RL - Iraqi Officials Confirm Talks Held Abroad with Ba'athists, Insurgents

VOA News - Police Officer Killed in Attack in Iraq

Reuters - Up to 10 Percent of Iraqis Disabled by War, Sanctions, by Aseel Kami




Times Online - US to Increase Troops in Haiti by a Third as Resue Teams Pull Back, by Anne Barrowclough

Christian Science Monitor - Marine Unit Headed for Afghanistan Now Rerouted to Haiti, by Gordon Lubold


Reuters - Russia Says to Start Iran Nuclear Plant in 2010


Wall Street Journal - U.S. Seeks Saudi Role in Helping Poorest Arab State, by Jay Solomon

Christian Science Monitor - Is Yemen the Next Afghanistan?


Washington Times - U.S. To Deploy Missiles Near Russia, by Nicholas Kralev

Reuters - Russia Responds to U.S. Missile Plans for Poland, by Conor Sweeney


Washington Times - Gates Wants Nuclear Talks with China, by Bill Gertz


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