Global News Alert - January 27, 2010

January 26, 2010 Global News Alert                          January 28, 2010 Global News Alert


Wall Street Journal - Afghan Planning Faces Grim Realities, by Alistair MacDonald and Vanessa Fuhrmans

VOA News - Afghan Neighbors, Key Players Prep for London Conference, by Dorian Jones

BBC News - Aims of the London Conference on Afghanistan, by Paul Reynolds

RFE/RL - Afghanistan Seen on Tipping Point in Run-Up to London Conference, by Abubakar Siddique

LA Times - Afghanistan, Allies to Launch New Effort to Reintegrate Taliban to Society, by Alex Rodriguez and Julian Barnes

Associated Press - Holbrooke Says US to Back Taliban Reintegration, by Gregory Katz

New York Times - U.S. Wrestling with Olive Branch for Taliban, by Mark Landler and Helene Cooper

Associated Press - UN Lifts Sanctions on 5 Former Taliban Officials, by Kim Gamel

Washington Post - Russia Won't Block Removal of Former Taliban Members from U.N. Terrorism List, by Colum Lynch

BBC News - Afghan Police Killed in Helmand

Department of Defense - Combined Forces Capture Insurgents Across Afghanistan

VOA News - Afghan Aid Strategy Must Change Say Aid Groups, by Natasha Saini

Wall Street Journal - Afghanistan to Delay Awarding Concessions for Mineral Deposits, by Matthew Rosenberg

Times Online - Australian Soldier Sentanced to Hang in Afghanistan, by Anne Barrowclough

Times Online - Staffan de Mistura to Take Over as UN Special Representative in Afghanistan, by James Bone and Jerome Starkey

Washington Post - NATO Stuggling to Fulfill Commitments for More Troops in Afghanistan, by Craig Whitlock

RFE/RL - NATO Finalizes Afghan Transit Deal with Kazakhstan

New York Times - The Afghan Leader's Hat, Always More Than Just Headgear, Is Losing Its Cachet, by Rod Nordland



New York Times - Rivalries in Iraq Keep G.I.'s in the Field, by Steven Lee Myers

Associated Press - Al-Qaida Group Claims Hotel Blast in Baghdad

Washington Post - Blast Targeting Iraqi Interior Ministry Unit Kills 38, a Day After Hotel Attacks, by Qais Mizher, Leila Fadel, and Ernesto Londono

Christian Science Monitor - Iraq Bombings: Gen. Odierno Blames a Changing Al Qaeda, by Jane Arraf

Reuters - Iranian Pilgrims Attacked in Iraqi Capital

LA Times - Britain Awaits Blair Testimony on Iraq, by Henry Chu




Associated Press - Clinton Pushes Once More for Iran Sanctions, by Matthew Lee


Associated Press - World Powers to Boost Yemen to Better Fight Terror, by David Stringer

VOA News - Britain Hosts Meeting on Yemen, by Sonja Pace

New York Times - U.S. to Join Talks on Helping Yemen, by Robert Worth

VOA News - US Provides Training for Yemen's Battle Against Al-Qaida, by Elizabeth Arrott

Washington Post - U.S. Military Teams, Intelligence Deeply Involved in Aiding Yemen on Strikes, by Dana Priest


Wall Street Journal - U.N. Faces Mobs at Food-Aid Sites, by Gina Chon


Christian Science Monitor - Philippines Peace Talks Regain Traction after Lengthy Hiatus, by Simon Montlake


Wall Street Journal -North, South Korea Exchange Shots, by Evan Ramstad

Reuters - Two Koreas Trade Fire, by Jack Kim


Reuters - Arms Treaty with U.S. Could Be Ready in Weeks: Russia

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