Global News Alert - January 8, 2010

January 7, 2010 Global News Alert                     January 11, 2010 Global News Alert


Washington Times - Violence Heats up in Bitter Afghan Winter, by Sara Carter

Reuters - Gates Backs Critique of Spy Agencies in Afghanistan, by Adam Entous

Reuters - Karzai: Afghan Corruption 'Blown out of Proportion,' by Peter Graft

LA Times -Marines in Afghanistan Take 'The Village' to Heart, by Tony Perry

Times Online - Crippling Blow to US Intelligence, by Giles Whittell and Jermone Starkey

Wall Street Journal - U.N.'s Afghan Envoy Makes His Case in Washington, by Joe Lauria

Washington Post - Two Defense Contractors Indicted in Shooting of Afghans, by Jerry Markon

Washington Post - U.S. Military Investigates Allegations of Detainee Abuse in Afghanistan, by Joshua Partlow

Associated Press - NATO Unit Launches Radio Station for Rural Afghans, by Alfed de Montesquiou

Times Online - Tories Would Give Military Key Role in Rebuilding Afghanistan, by Tom Coghlan



Wall Street Journal - U.S. Insists Pakistan Ease Limits on Staffers, by Zahid Hussain and Matthew Rosenberg

Reuters - U.S. Senators Defend Drone Attacks, by Michael Gregory

Associated Press - Explosion in South Pakistan Kills at Least 8, by Ashraf Khan

New York Times - Ammunition Explodes at a House in Pakistan, Killing 7, by Salman Masood



Washington Post - Deadly Blasts Underscore Tenuous Security in Iraq's Anbar Province, by Leila Fadel and Michael Hastings

New York Times - Move Made to Bar Iraqi from Ballot, by Nada Bakri and Anthony Shadid

Washington Post - Iraq Bars 15 Political Parties with Baathist Ties from Upcoming Elections, by Leila Fadel and Michael Hastings

LA Times - Iraqis Settle Lawsuits Over Blackwater Shootings, by David Zucchino

Times Online - Special Forces 'Tried to Resue Hostages Near Iranian Border,' by Tom Coghlan and Alice Fordham

Times Online - Iranian and Iraqi Envoys Meet After Border Clash at Fakka Oil Well, by Alice Fordham



Associated Press - Web Site: Iranian Opposition Leader Car Shot At

New York Times - Iran Accuses FIve of Waring Against God, by Nazila Fathi

Associated Press - Taiwan Firm: China Got Iran Part with Nuke Uses, by Debby Wu


Christian Science Monitor - Is Al Qaeda in Yemen Connected to Al Qaeda in Somalia? by Scott Baldauf

Washington Post - Yemen's Internal Divide Complicates U.S. Efforts Against Al-Qaeda, Analysts Say, by Sudarsan Raghavan

Washington Post - Yemen Says There are Limits to Its Military Cooperation with United States, by Sudarsan Raghavan


Christian Science Monitor - Israel Successfully Tests Iron Dome Missile Shield, by Ilene Prusher


Department of Defense - African Counterterrorism Gets Greater Focus, by John Kruzel

United States

Associated Press - Gates, Holdover from Bush Team, to Stay at Defense, by Anne Gearan

LA Times - Obama Takes Steps to Bolster Security, by Christi Parsons and Greg Miller

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