Global News Alert - March 10, 2010

Global News Alert - March 9, 2010                           Global News Alert - March 11, 2010


Associated Press - Iran Leader: US Playing 'Game' in Afghanistan, by Amir Shah and Deb Riechmann

Reuters - Iran's Ahmadinejad in Afghanistan, Gates Departs

BBC News - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Attacks US for Afghan 'Double Game'

Washington Post - Defense Secretary Gates Greets Troops, Tours Afghan 'City That Had Been Dead,' by Greg Jaffe

Associated Press - Gates: Some Troops Could Leave Afghanistan Early, by Anne Gearan

RFE/RL - In Marjah, New Gains Could Offer Escape from Trajic Past, by Mohammad Elyas Daee and Abubakar Siddique

VOA News - More Military Trainers Needed in Afghanistan, by Al Pessin

BBC News - Making War and Peace in Afghanistan, by Ahmed Rashid

Reuters - UK's Miliband Urges Push for Afghan Peace Deal, by Adrian Croft



VOA News - Militants Attack Aid Agency in Northwest Paksitan

New York Times - Upset by U.S. Security, Pakistanis Return as Heroes, by Jane Perlez



Washington Post - Dispute over Candidate Disqualifications Could Mar Iraqi Vote's Legitimacy, by Ernesto Londono and Leila Fadel

New York Times - Partial Iraq Vote Results Expected by Thursday, by Anthony Shadid

Times Online - Nouri al-Maliki and Ayad Allawi Both Claim Victory in Iraq Elections, by Oliver August

Washington Post - Saddam Hussein Weighed Nuclear 'Package' Deal in 1990, Documents Show, by Joby Warrick




LA Times - U.S. Changing Focus of Iran Policy, by Paul Richter

New York Times - Gates in Saudi Arabia to Discuss Iran, by Elisabeth Bumiller

Associated Press - Gates Keeps Up Pressure on Iran with Gulf Visit, by Anne Gearan

Christian Science Monitor - Tehran Lobbies China Against New Iran Sanctions, by Scott Peterson

Washington Post - Iran Blocking Foreign, Domestic Web Sites to Curb anti-Government Activists, by Thomas Erdbrink and Kay Armin Serjoie


RFE/RL - Petraeus Visits Kyrgzstan Amid U.S. Plans for Antiterror Center, by Farangis Najibullah


Associated Press - UN Report: Much of Somalia's Food AId Diverted, by Edith Lederer


Times Online - Nigerian Christian Villagers Flee Threats of Fresh Attacks by Muslims, by Jonathan Clayton


Washington Post - Israel Seeks a Stronger Stance on Iran from U.N Security Council and U.S.

LA Times - Biden's Israel Visit Takes a Rocky Turn, by Paul Richter

RFE/RL - The Booming Friendship Between Azerbaijan and Israel, by Anna Zamejc


New York Times - Delay on Arms Pact Slows Reset of U.S.-Russia Ties, by Peter Baker and Mark Landler


Times Online - Hundreds Held in Pre-Emptive Tibet Crackdown, by Jane Macartney


Washington Post - Haitian President Moves to Shore up Aid, New Future, by Mary Beth Sheridan and William Booth

Washington Times - U.S. to Haiti: Don't Delay Elections, by Nicholas Kralev

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