Global News Alert - March 16, 2010

March 15, Global News Alert


Miami Herald - NC-based Marine from Florida killed in Afghanistan

The Washington Post - Pentagon to Investigate Intelligence Unit that Allegedly Used Contractors by Karen DeYoung

The New York Times - U.S. Is Reining In Special Forces in Afghanistan, by Richard A. Oppel Jr. and Rod Nordland

Reuters - Afghanistan denies peace talks with Taliban No. 2

The Christian Science Monitor- Afghanistan war: Are some Taliban ignoring Mullah Omar's ethics code?

Department of Defense -Holbrooke Hails Marja Operation, Relationship with Pakistan

The Buffalo News - Aide: Karzai 'Very Angry' at Taliban Boss' Arrest, by Deb Riechmann and Kathy Gannon


RFE/RL - U.S. Missile Strike Kills 10 Militants In Pakistan

The Boston Globe - Bomb Materials Seized in Pakistan

Asia Times -Pakistan Sharpens its Focus on Militants ,by Syed Saleem Shahzad


Reuters - Eight Dead, 11 Wounded in Iraq Bomb Attacks: Police

New York Times - Iraq Election Results Hint of Political Shift

The Philadelphia Inquirer - U.S. Military Cedes Control of Prison to Iraq Authorities by Ben Hubbard

RFE/RL - Iran Praises Iraq Election As Shi'ite Ally Leads

Department of Defense - Iraqis Capture Suspected Terrorist Leaders


Al Jazeera - Clashes Break Out in East Jerusalem

The Christian Science Monitor - Iran militants deface home of opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi

Al Arabiya News - Yemen says Houthi rebels violating truce deal

Times Online - US Withdraws Mexico Consular Families in Wake of Staff Killings by Drug Cartels

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