Global News Alert - October 14, 2010


Washington Post- NATO forces facilitating Afghan-Taliban talks by Karen DeYoung

BBC- Three Nato troops die in an explosion in Afghanistan

New York Times- U.S. Aids Taliban to Attend Talks on Making Peace by Thom Shanker

MSNBC- Elements of Taliban are 'ready' to talk peace, key Afghan negotiator says

New York Times- French General Mixes Formula for a Bit of Afghan Calm by Alissa Rubin

New York Times- Security Council Votes to Continue Military Effort in Afghanistan

BBC- Cameron and Petraeus to discuss aid worker's death


CNN- Police: Plot to kill Pakistan PM uncovered by Frederik Pleitgen

CNN- Clinton: Pakistan should pass reforms to ensure flood victim support

Associated Press- Suspected US missiles strikes kill 11 in Pakistan by Ishtiaq Mahsud

Bloomberg- Pakistan Army Planning Assault on Al-Qaeda Terror `Epicenter,' Mullen Says by Viola Gienger

Guardian- Can Musharraf win back Pakistan? by Syed Hamad Ali


Washington Post- Dutch grant release to man who plotted to kill Americans in Iraq by Ellen Nakashima

The Atlantic- Iran Has Less Power in Iraq Than We Think by Michael Wahid Hanna

Associated Press- US military says 77,000 Iraqis killed over 5 years by Lara Jakes

Bloomberg- Iraq's Allawi Steps Up Challenge to Al-Maliki as He Tries to Lure Deputies by Caroline Alexander


World Politics Review- World Citizen: Arabs States Building Arsenal for War With Iran by Frida Ghitis

Agence-France Presse- Iran 'arrests son of prominent conservative cleric'

Wall Street Journal- Iran's Economy Feels Sting of Sanctions by Farnaz Fassihi

Los Angeles Times- Arab media slam Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad over visit


Reuters- U.N. nuclear agency faces dilemma over Syria by Fredrik Dahl

New York Times- Israeli Minister Exposes Rift With Netanyahu by Ethan Bronner

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