Global News Alert - October 19, 2010


CNN- A senior Taliban leader killed in Afghanistan

Wall Street Journal- Taliban Influence Grows in North by Yaroslav Trofimov

Los Angeles Times- Afghanistan tosses out thousands of votes amid fraud probe by Laura King

Associated Press- In Afghan town, insurgents vanish after battles

New York Times- Canada Poised for 2011 Withdrawal From Afghanistan by Ian Austen

Associated Press- NATO claims it is choking off insurgents' supplies


CNN- U.S. official denies intelligence breakdown in Mumbai warnings by Jill Dougherty

Voice of America- 31 Killed in Pakistan Election Violence

Washington Post- 148 Pakistani lawmakers suspended

BBC- 'Six militants die' in Pakistan drone attack


New York Times- Roadside Bomb Kills Baghdad Official by John Leland

USA Today- Pentagon braces for WikiLeaks disclosure on Iraq by Tom Vanden Brook

Agence-France Presse- US plays down importance of Maliki visit to Iran

Washington Post- Petraeus rewrites the playbook in Afghanistan by David Ignatius


New York Times- Iran Sends Delegate to International Meeting on Afghanistan by Rod Nordland

Washington Post- Chavez in Iran for talks on boosting oil, gas ties

World Tribune- Congress questioning aid to Lebanon in view of Iran's 'increasing dominance'

Guardian- How Iran brokered a secret deal to put its ally in power in Iraq by Martin Chulov

Guardian- Iran's influence in Iraq: Game, set but not match to Tehran by Michael Knights


New York Times- Somali Government and Allies Attack Insurgents by Mohammed Ibrahim

New York Times- Killings in Nigeria Are Linked to Islamic Sect by Adam Nossiter

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