Global News Alert - October 20, 2010


Christian Science Monitor- CIA admits 'missteps' in handling double agent in Afghanistan by Ben Arnoldy

New York Times- Taliban Elite, Aided by NATO, Join Talks for Afghan Peace by Dexter Filkins

Reuters- Afghan leader sees hope for peace and reconciliation by Hamid Shalizi

Associated Press- Afghan lawmaker: Karzai in talks with Haqqani

Washington Post- Officials: Nearly 1 in 4 Afghan ballots invalid due to fraud by Joshua Partlow

Agence-France Presse- Afghan government orders all private banks to be audited by Sardar Ahmad


Wall Street Journal- U.S. Plans Increased Military Aid for Pakistan by Adam Entous

TIME- Karachi: Violence Rules, 51 Killed Since Sat. by Munir Ahmed

BBC- 'Six militants die' in Pakistan drone attack

Reuters- U.S.-Pakistan dialogue faces prickly issues by David Alexander


New York Times- Roadside Bombing in Iraq Strikes Convoy Carrying U.N. Diplomat by Jack Healy

New York Times- Iraq’s Stalemate

Reuters- Iraq PM takes foreign gamble to win over rivals by Suadad al-Salhy

NPR- In Iraq, Counting Heads Is A Political Headache by Peter Kenyon


National Interest- Pariahs in Tehran by Kenneth M. Pollack

FOX News- Iranian Weapon Shipment to Afghan Taliban Raises Alarm by Jennifer Griffin

New York Times- In a Visit to Clerics, the Iranian Supreme Leader Demands Loyalty

CNN- Iran joins talks and Petraeus briefing on Afghanistan by Elise Labott


Guardian- UK Defense Budget Gutted- can no longer mount military operations like Iraq invasion by Hélène Mulholland

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