Global News Alert - October 25, 2010


New York Times- Karzai May Compromise on Ban of Private Guards

Reuters- Ousted Afghan governor warns of Iranian influence by Hamid Shalizi

ABC News- Fmr. Top General: Afghanistan Deadline May Be 'A Bridge too Far' by Joshua Miller

CNN- Afghan president acknowledges getting cash from Iran by Barbara Starr

Reuters- Air strike kills 15 insurgents in Afghanistan

Boston Globe- Corporal details Marines’ hard life in southern Afghanistan by Todd Pitman

CNN- 2010 coalition death toll in Afghanistan hits 600


Wall Street Journal- Wider Role for CIA Sought by Julian Barnes

Aljazeera- Report slams Pakistan drone strikes by Gareth Porter

Radio Free Europe- Pakistan's Pashtuns Feel More Alone Than Ever by Shaheen Buneri

Reuters- Bomb kills six at Sufi shrine in eastern Pakistan


Washington Times- WikiLeaks papers back Bush claims of Iran role in Iraq war by Eli Lake

New York Times- Iraqi Court Issues Ruling for Parliament to Return by Anthony Shadid

New York Times- Use of Contractors Added to War’s Chaos in Iraq by James Glanz

Wall Street Journal- Leaks on War Fuel Rivalries in Baghdad by Margaret Coker

New York Post- US did find Iraq WMD by Don Kaplan

Guardian- Iraq war logs: These crimes were not secret, they were tolerated by Peter Beacon


USA Today- Iran expands economic influence on Iraq by Jim Michaels

Time- The Ayatollahs' Democracy: A Look at Iran's Inner Workings by Katy Steinmetz

Bloomberg- U.S. Warns Turkey Against Selling Adabank to Iran, Star Reports by Mark Bentley

Voice of America- World Powers Renew Invitation to Iran to Restart Nuclear Talks


New York Times- In Haiti, Capital Braces for a Cholera Outbreak by Deborah Sontag

Washington Post- Overseas ties could be in for change by Steven Hurst

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