Global News Alert - October 8, 2010


The New York Times- Inquiry Finds Guards at U.S. Bases Are Tied to Taliban by James Risen

CNN- Suicide attack kills provincial governor in northern Afghanistan by Ivan Watson

Christian Science Monitor- Afghanistan: Pentagon contractors entwined with 'pro-Taliban' warlords by Anna Mulrine

World Politics Review- The Realist Prism: IRA or Hezbollah Precedent for Afghanistan? by Nikolas Gvosdev

The National- Afghanistan's chance for a breakthrough by Chris Sands

Associated Press- Marines in Marjah face full-blown insurgency by Todd Pitman

Foreign Policy- Afghanistan is not Vietnam by Paul Miller


BBC- Pakistan to investigate 'extra-judicial killings' video by IIyas Khan

Los Angeles Times- Blasts kill 8 at Sufi shrine in Pakistan by Alex Rodriguez

Agence-France Presse- Pakistan envoy criticises US travel alert

Guardian- Barack Obama accused of exaggerating terror threat for political gain by Simon Tisdall

Agence-France Press- NATO supply truckers desperate to 'go home alive' by Lehaz Ali


Associated Press- Iraq's political gambits move to regional stage by Brian Murphy

Wall Street Journal- Iraq's Allawi, Squeezed, Warms to an Alliance by Sam Dagher

Voice of America- Iraq's Political Deadlock May be Nearing End by Elizabeth Arrott

Foreign Policy- Army: Ignore Obama's statement, of course combat continues in Iraq by Thomas Ricks


BBC- Russia to repay Iran for cancelled missile order

Guardian- Ahmadinejad looks to Lebanon to escape home truths by Meir Javedanfar

Bloomberg- Iran Seeks to Export Gas to Lebanon, Revamp Refineries by Nayla Razzouk

CNN- Iranian finance minister in Washington for IMF by Elise Labott


Associated Press- Israel signs contract to buy US-made fighter jets by Dave Bryan

The New York Times- Nobel Peace Prize Given to Jailed Chinese Dissident by Andrew Jacobs


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