Global News Alert - September 20, 2010


Associated Press- British troops leave volatile Afghan district by Deb Reichmann

The Washington Post- Bodies of three kidnapped election workers are found in Afghanistan by Ernesto Londono

The New York TimesAfghanistan’s Parliamentary Elections – Candidates Everywhere by Sangar Rahimi

ReutersBlast kills at least six children in North Afghanistan

Los Angeles Times-Amid low turnout and some violence, officials portray Afghan election as success by Laura King

The New York Times- Iraqi Political Theater, Even as Democracy Struggles by Steven Lee Meyers

Washington TimesPowell unsure whether U.S. is winning in Afghanistan by Anne Gearan

The New York Times- In Marja, Violence and Intimidation Depress Vote by Elisabeth Bumiller


Agence-France Presse- US drone attack kills four militants in Pakistan by Hasbanullah Khan

CNN- Water conflict in Pakistan’s Tribal region leaves dozens dead

Los Angeles Times- Floods leave Pakistan in dire economic straits by Alex Rodriguez

The Associated Press- Indian lawmakers visit Kashmir to address unrest by Aijaz Hussain


Associated Press- Bahrain revokes citizenship of top Shiite cleric by Brian Murphy

Foreign Policy Journal- Who Will Face the Music for Iraq’s Future? by Georgiy Voloshin

The Washington Post- Bombs kill 37, injure more than 100 in Iraq by Janine Zacharia

Bloomberg- Iraq, Kuwait to Start Joint Investments at Oil Fields Along Common Border by Nayla Razzouk


Agence-France PresseIran 'denies seizing US troops at Pakistan border' 

Boston Globe- Iran’s leader proposes prisoner swap with US by John Pomfret

FOXIran feels pain of sanctions-U.S. Treasury's Levey

Associated Press- Clinton urges 'responsible' leaders to take control in Iran by Andrew Gully


The New York Times- Tajikistan Says Militants Behind Attack on Troops by Michael Shwirtz

Los Angeles Times- Hillary Clinton faces huge challenge in Mideast talks

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